
Anonymity results from the removal of information which could identify an individual.

Case conference describes a meeting between professionals and invited clients to discuss the management of and issues arising from a particular set of circumstances.

Confidentiality has been defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO) as ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access. Confidentiality also refers to an ethical principle associated with several professions (eg, medicine, law, religion).

Consent: Agreement to an action based on knowledge of what the action involves and its likely consequences.

Disclosure means the giving out of information which might commonly be kept secret, usually voluntarily or to be in compliance with legal regulations or workplace rules.

Hereditary form of cancer: Carriers of inherited mutations of the BRCA1 or the BRCA2 gene are at higher risk of both breast cancer and ovarian cancer, often at an early age. The cancer-susceptibility caused by mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes is inherited in a dominant fashion, that is, a person with one parent who is a mutation carrier has a 50% chance of inheriting the predisposition.

Privacy is the right of an individual or group to stop information about themselves from becoming known to people other than those they choose to give the information to. Currently this right to control information can be enforced against public authorities as part of a claim for breach of confidence.

Public interest justifies, in exceptional circumstances, the overruling of the right of an individual to confidentiality in order to serve a broader societal interest. Decisions about the public interest are complex and must take account of both the potential harm that disclosure may cause and the interest of society in the continued provision of confidential health services.

Trust refers to an aspect of a relationship between two parties, by which a given situation is mutually understood, and commitments are made toward actions in favor of a desired outcome.