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The four different styles of Dr/patient relations

Paternalistic - The paternalistic approach is typified by a doctor centred style. It relies on closed questions designed to elicit yes or no answers. The doctor will tend to use a disease centred model and be focused on reaching a diagnosis, rather than the patients unique experience of illness.

Consumeristic - Here the patient knows exactly what they want and forces the doctor into a patient centred approach.

Default - This is where the patient centred style fails. The doctor is trying to relinquish control but the patient is unwilling to accept it. The result is an impasse.

Mutuality - The doctor uses open questions to encourage the patient to talk about his complaint. This approach relies on taking time to listen and trying to understand the patients point of view.

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Page created: 9 September, 2003
Last updated: 13 January, 2004 4:26 PM
By: Alan Leeder