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Community Nursing Scenario, 360 Visi

Community Nursing Scenario, 360 Visi

Certificate of completion

Scene 1: Outside on Driveway.

As the nurse drives up to the house, consider the things she needs to be aware of before entering the patient’s house.

Scene 1 was not completed.

Scene 2: The Community Nurse Arrives.

Consider how the nurse prepares for the visit prior to entering the house. What does the nurse need to be aware of in order to select the appropriate nursing equipment and where might she have accessed this information?

Scene 2 was not completed.

Scene 3: Meeting the patient - Looking at your notes...

What are the issues that concern you most?

Scene 3a was not completed.

How can you plan to address these?

Scene 3b was not completed.

Scene 4: Hallway Hazard risks: Activity

Examine the named hazard risks highlighted here in the patient’s home - Do you think the nurse should talk to the patient Joy and her family and ask them to remove the hazards before the next visit?

Scene 4 was not completed.

Scene 5: Preparing the dressing change.

The nurse is preparing for conducting the dressing change; prior to undertaking the dressing, she asks the patient several key questions that enables the nurse to build a holistic assessment of the patient’s care requirements. Make notes on the questions the nurse asks and the issues the patient raises.

Scene 5 was not completed.

Scene 6: Handwashing.

What does the nurse use to wash her hands?

Scene 6 was not completed.

Scene 7: Conducting the dressing change.

What are the key differences between conducting a non-touch technique in this community scenario than a clinical setting?

Scene 7a was not completed.

What advice does the nurse give the patient about the dressing?

Scene 7b was not completed.

What other issues does the nurse notice in relation to the patients’ physical conditions?

Scene 7c was not completed.

Scene 8: Summing up.

Before concluding the visit, the nurse mentions referring the patient to several services; make a note of these services and the rationale for the referral.

Scene 8 was not completed.