WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:01.160 --> 00:00:06.470 I remember how nervous I was before my first placement, I never done any sort of 00:00:06.470 --> 00:00:11.230 care work before so I had no idea what to expect really. I went to the ward 00:00:11.230 --> 00:00:17.359 where I would be and asked if I could have a look around this helped but I was 00:00:17.359 --> 00:00:21.820 shocked at how poorly some of the patients looked. 00:00:26.140 --> 00:00:31.840 I made sure I was well prepared for my first day and my first weeks hours 00:00:31.840 --> 00:00:37.780 already from a phone call the previous week, had some pens and scissors I nearly 00:00:37.780 --> 00:00:40.690 forgot my lunch but luckily remembered about a mile from 00:00:40.690 --> 00:00:44.800 home and went back for it. Had no idea what food would be available in the 00:00:44.800 --> 00:00:49.290 hospital or even if I would even get the opportunity to leave the ward I 00:00:49.290 --> 00:00:53.879 certainly didn't want to be stuck without food. 00:00:57.640 --> 00:01:02.470 I was mostly worried about the silly things though and these included getting 00:01:02.470 --> 00:01:07.990 up on time and being able to communicate with the patients. My first placement was 00:01:07.990 --> 00:01:11.830 a stroke ward so I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to understand what the 00:01:11.830 --> 00:01:16.360 patients are trying to ask me because of this I barely spoke to any patients 00:01:16.360 --> 00:01:24.040 during my first shift. After a couple of shifts though I started to feel much 00:01:24.040 --> 00:01:28.869 more comfortable I wondered why I hadn't tried this change of currying years ago. 00:01:28.869 --> 00:01:34.320 I started to relax and enjoy my placement 00:01:38.420 --> 00:01:43.640 as I did more placements I became more confident and I was not worried at 00:01:43.640 --> 00:01:47.780 all about my first day like I was at my early placements. I was always wondering 00:01:47.780 --> 00:01:53.270 whether I'd have a supportive mentor who's enthusiastic and willing to let me get 00:01:53.270 --> 00:01:57.740 stuck in wherever possible. I found that my biggest problem was trying to run 00:01:57.740 --> 00:02:00.920 before I could walk and because my mentors didn't know me 00:02:00.920 --> 00:02:05.439 very well at first they were reluctant to trust me with any complicated tasks 00:02:05.439 --> 00:02:10.940 over time I learned to accept this and got used to spending the first couple of 00:02:10.940 --> 00:02:16.280 days acclimatising to the environment and allowing time for the mentor to get 00:02:16.280 --> 00:02:18.730 to know me. 00:02:22.830 --> 00:02:27.600 I must say though that as my course progressed the stress of being on 00:02:27.600 --> 00:02:33.240 placement or having assignments took its toll on me and many other students in my 00:02:33.240 --> 00:02:38.730 cohort. In particular second and third year we had an assignment that had to be 00:02:38.730 --> 00:02:43.830 a reflection of my evidence and my learning, this was stressful because we 00:02:43.830 --> 00:02:47.520 were under pressure to produce really good evidence or else the assignment 00:02:47.520 --> 00:02:51.660 would be really difficult to write. We had to hand it in very soon after the 00:02:51.660 --> 00:02:55.320 placement finished so there was added pressure to write that whilst on 00:02:55.320 --> 00:03:00.150 placement. I tried to plan what was going to write and schedule time to do this 00:03:00.150 --> 00:03:04.850 and this actually really helped for me I still make lots of lists and timetables 00:03:04.850 --> 00:03:10.830 and try to plan what I need to do. I find that putting it on a list gets out of my 00:03:10.830 --> 00:03:13.130 head. 00:03:18.230 --> 00:03:22.909 I found that time or lack of it has been the biggest cause of stress for me 00:03:22.909 --> 00:03:29.450 during my placement, this is partly my fault because I also work part-time but 00:03:29.450 --> 00:03:32.230 this is a reality for many other students in order to make ends meet. 00:03:32.230 --> 00:03:36.489 I've sometimes struggled squeeze a work shift in whilst on placement 00:03:36.489 --> 00:03:42.440 particularly when I was approaching a deadline fast. I found that in no time 00:03:42.440 --> 00:03:49.329 for working and this is added to my stress because then I have no spare cash. 00:03:53.160 --> 00:03:57.630 I feel much better now though I'm nearly at the end of my course and it's boosted 00:03:57.630 --> 00:04:03.300 my confidence to know that I have a job at the end of it so my advice is to 00:04:03.300 --> 00:04:07.260 stick with it because when you finish that last assignment and placement it'd 00:04:07.260 --> 00:04:10.040 have all been worth it.