TRANSCRIPT OF JESSIE, DANIEL AND NADEGE VIDEO's Creative Idea J: Daniel had a lot of creative ideas but he did not know that. So this project helped him to realise the artist inside him. Individual or Team D: I've never really been in a group to do a presentation before. I hadn't done a project with a group. In my past schools I used to just do coursework, exams, individual work basically. But being able to work in a team is a new experience for me. I will happily take it away with me. It was quite a good experience. Language Barrier D: One thing I have learned is to be able to communicate. Because English is my first language and theirs is French. So when they were trying to pass a point over to me, sometimes I got it and sometimes I didn't. So I had to be able to be patient to be able to sit down and hear what they were saying. Language Skills N: I tried to communicate with language skills. I am good at writing but language is not only writing. So I have tried to find another word when I could not find the exact word I was wanting to say. I think that helped me a lot. Marketing Relationships J: Some of us don't really like art, of course. We didn't see how what we had to do had a relationship with Marketing. Finally Daniel, who didn't like art so much, he was the one who did the beautiful clock - with the drawing. I think that was our best point. At the beginning he was not so interested in art but with the team he has been able to do something very beautiful. Choice of product N: The name and the whole thing, we had a great time with that. We kept arguing in our group. But I think this was one of the best things because we had lots of interaction. Which is good, isn't it? J: Yes. What was interesting is that at first all of us had three different products so it was quite difficult to finally agree. But at the last minute we found a very great product and it seems that everybody liked. But before that I was not happy with what they think and none of them liked my product. So it was quite difficult. But at the last minute we found something. N: And we were all happy with it. Reason for Success N: We were able to cope with it and I think we did well because we trust each other. Jessy started and she spoke easily, then Daniel and me. We tried to communicate the passion we had about our clock because we were so passionate about it. Software Problems I: What would you do differently if you were to do it again? D: Ah, that's a very interesting question. I've actually thought about that. We would do our presentation with the software that is adaptable to the software that we would be using on the final day. We did ours on Apple Macintosh and we didn't confer with Debs about whether it would be compatible with the software that we would be using. So when we got there we were baffled that it didn't come up. Team Advantages J: I have learnt to work with other people and to understand their personalities and that sometimes you have to make decisions even if you are not very happy. You have to follow the other people because it will make better results. If you work alone you will always think 'what I are doing is good' because you never have somebody else to tell you 'maybe you need to do that better' or 'you're not doing very well'. So maybe it's good to work as a team. N: Yes, what I like about teamwork is that – I am slow to understand things so I like the interaction with others, who might get things faster than you and can help explain things to you. Then you see exactly what they mean and what the lecturer is expecting from you. Sometimes you think that you don't understand because the lecturer has said and it seems huge and you'll never be able to do it but when they explain 'student language' then you get it. Team Formation N: It was funny because we were all in a room, sitting at the back – me, Jessy and Daniel. We started talking to each other and we started arguing. So then we decided to stay together for the group. D: The main reason why we were arguing was because I had already planned to be in a group with someone else. Team Compromise J: It helped me to communicate with other people because I had some difficulty sharing my ideas. I was strongly convinced that my product was the best so it was a bit difficult for me to change my mind. But after, once I found out which product they thought would be good, I did my best to support them and bring some new ideas. So I really learnt to…to…. D: To compromise… J: Yes, to communicate and to compromise.