USING QUESTIONS TO PROMPT REFLECTION o Something Happened - What was it ? A presentation, group work, portfolio tasks, report writing, research ? What did you do? present, discuss, read, write, analyse, design, organise, prepare ? o What Happened ?– Not just what did I do – but what happened? What were the main challenges or difficulties and problems ? How did you react? How did you feel? Was anyone else involved? What is their view? What was familiar ? What surprised you? Have your beliefs and expectations been confirmed or challenged? o So What ?– What is your evaluation of your performance? What criteria are you using for your judgement? Has your evaluation changed over time? What feedback do you have (formal and informal) ? Who can provide a different perspective or ideas? How does this fit with what you have learned on the module? What further reading and research can you do? How do other people tackle this? What conclusions can you draw from this? o Now What ?– Would you do anything differently next time? What key lessons for the future have you identified? Can you develop what you have learned further? If so what needs to happen? What are the alternatives for action? What will work best for you? What might hold you back? Who can help you? How committed are you to taking action? What are the benefits for you? What is your plan-in the short term and longer term?