Karnival will be running their pupular Puppy Room event again in aid of Guide Dogs UK. The event will take place from 10am until 4pm on Friday 17 November in the Studio, Portland Building, giving all who attend paws for thought.
You’ll have the opportunity to spend 15-20 minutes with the guide dogs and their trainers. You can stroke the dogs and ask the trainers any questions you might have. There will also be members of the charity on hand to tell you a bit more about their work.
Attendees will be asked to make a small dalmation donation of £2 or more. All proceeds will go to Guide Dogs UK.
Guide Dogs UK is most famous for its training of guide dogs for the blind but also invests in research and campaigning. To date their work has played a mastiff massive role in improving the quality of life for the blind and partially sighted.
No booking required – just turn up on the day but make sure you get there early to avoid disapointmutt.
Attendees are kindly asked not to hound the dogs.