Nottingham Engaged 2018: Global Research, Civic Impact

Great Hall, Trent Building, University Park
Registration URL

NottinghamEngaged 600w

The third annual policy impact and public engagement conference, brought to you by the new University of Nottingham Institute for Policy and Public Engagement.

The conference is aimed at researchers, academics and professional staff across all disciplines working in or supporting policy impact and public engagement. The day will offer a range of training options to suit all experience levels.

This year's focus is on the civic role of universities and how our research and expertise help us meet one of our core values: 'sustaining and improving the places and communities in which we are located'.

Join us for:

  • A variety of first steps and next steps sessions
  • Expert sessions with on think tanks and NCCPE representatives
  • Mini PechaKuchus

The conference will be opened by Professor Shearer West, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Nottingham. Plenary speakers include Rachel Wolf, former adviser to the Prime Minister, and Steve Chapman, Head of the University's Ingenuity Lab.

This is a free event. Booking is required.

Book your place at