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The Susan Burney Letters Project


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The Letters

The Burney Family

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| Project Description | Project Rationale | Annotation |

About the Project: Project Description

This project has two components:

  • a complete edition in electronic form of the letters and letter-journals of Susan Burney - see Annotation and Project Rationale
  • a critical edition in printed form of a representative selection from these.

For the pilot project, four sample passages of text, showing some of the range of subject matter in the letter-journals, and drawn from different times in Susan Burney's life, have been transcribed and partially annotated.

The electronic edition
All Susan Burney's letters and letter-journals will be transcribed from the original sources and will be fully annotated. The site will also contain an extended biographical introduction, chronologies, a bibliography, and links to other relevant materials.

The printed edition of selections
The transcript will be complemented by an edition of selections from the letters and letter-journals in book form.
This will be a substantial volume in its own right. It will comprise selections drawn from every stage of the of the letters and letter journals and will represent the full range of Susan Burney's interests and preoccupations. It will include full annotations, an extended biographical introduction, a chronology of Susan Burney's life, and a bibliography.

To follow:
Philip Olleson CV
Gabriella Dideriksen CV
Advisory Board

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Page Created: 9th May 2002
Last Updated: 1st January 1970

Web site: Teri Browett
Humanities and Social Science Research Centre