Human Rights Law Centre

Peacebuilding after civil wars and why the rule of law matters

A4 Law and Social Sciences
Wednesday 4th December 2019 (13:00-14:00)

We are delighted to announce that Clive Baldwin, Senior Legal Adviser at Human Rights Watch, will give a talk on Wednesday 4 December, 1pm, A4, LASS on 'Peacebuilding after civil wars and why the rule of law matters'. All welcome.

Clive Baldwin works as Senior Legal Advisor for the legal and policy office at Human Rights Watch, where he has been working on issues of international law since 2007. His areas of focus include the Middle East, north and west Africa and discrimination law. Prior to joining Human Rights Watch, Clive was a practicing lawyer in London for the human rights law firm, Bindman and Partners, and also worked on European human rights litigation at the AIRE Centre. He subsequently worked for the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, and later served as Head of Advocacy for Minority Rights Group International.

While at Minority Rights Group, Clive implemented the organization’s first global litigation program, which brought cases to international legal bodies on behalf of the rights of minorities around the world. One of the cases he litigated and won included the Endorois Community v Kenya, the first indigenous land rights case at the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights. In Finci v Bosnia-Hercegovina, he successfully challenged the Bosnian constitution’s exclusion of Jews from the presidency and upper house of parliament in the first such ruling of the European Court of Human Rights.

Most recently, Clive helped Human Rights Watch initiate a case with two other organizations against Libya at the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights based on allegations that numerous human rights violations had occurred. His efforts resulted in the first ruling against a state by the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506