Human Rights Law Centre

IHL Roundtable: IHL and the Graphics of Violence

Today, HRLC's IHL Unit is convening its Annual Roundtable on the topic of International Humanitarian Law and the Graphics of Violence at the Walton Hotel in Nottingham.

The Roundtable consists of three sessions, chaired by Professor Dino Kritsiotis, Head of the IHL Unit, Professor Neville Wylie and Professor Sandesh Sivakumaran.

LLM students George Bailey, Sarah Thin, Georgina Adams, Ujjaini Chatterji and Elena Lunder will present research on the topic alongside Dr Gus Waschefort (University of Essex), Dr Isobel Roele (Queen Mary University of London), Dr Christine Schwoebel (University of Liverpool), Dr Jessie Hohmann (Queen Mary University of London), Dr Sara Kendall (University of Kent) and Thérèse O’Donnell (University of Strathclyde).

The Roundtable is generously sponsored by the British Red Cross.

Posted on Wednesday 29th November 2017

Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506