Human Rights Law Centre

Refugee Lawyer Visits Nottingham

Today, HRLC is pleased to welcome to Nottingham Siobhan Allen, Lawyer and Refugee Status Determination Coordinator at St. Andrew's Refugee Services (StARS). Whilst here Ms Allen will be providing training for a group of students who will be working in HRLC’s soon to be launched Refugee Clinic. A first of its kind, the Clinic will be operating in conjunction with StARS and our students will be working on refugee status determination applications under the supervision of Ms Allen and HRLC Researcher, Laura Wills.  

Ms Allen will also be delivering a talk to a wider group of UoN students about the vital work that StARS is undertaking and the current refugee situation in North Africa.

Posted on Friday 31st January 2020

Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506