Human Rights Law Centre

FRA launches reports addressing cross-border criminal justice

Today, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published two reports on cross-border criminal justice:

Rights of suspected and accused persons across the EU: translation, interpretation and information examines the right to interpretation and translation and the right to information of suspects and the accused. These rights ensure effective participation in criminal proceedings and overall fairness during trial, regardless of where in the EU the proceedings take place.

Criminal detention and alternatives in the EU: fundamental rights aspects in cross-border transfers examines issues of criminal detention and alternatives in cross-border transfers. Such mutual recognition between Member States depends on trust, which in turn hinges very much on fundamental rights. For instance, detention should be used as a last resort and alternatives used more, in line with human rights standards. As well as helping the reintegration process, alternatives to detention are often cheaper.

The reports examine EU laws and how their use in varying national contexts affects individuals during criminal proceedings and sanctioning, before and after trial. They also show how rights protection can enhance trust between Member States in cross-border cases and how these laws can significantly improve the enjoyment of fundamental rights in the EU.

As national FRANET contractor for the FRA, HRLC provided the UK data for both reports.

Posted on Thursday 10th November 2016

Human Rights Law Centre

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