Human Rights Law Centre

EU Fundamental Rights Agency

Between its creation in 2011 and July 2020, the HRLC was the national contractor for the United Kingdom for FRANET, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights' multi-disciplinary research network. The HRLC provided data collection and research services on fundamental rights issues in the United Kingdom for the Agency.

Legal and Social Research on Fundamental Rights Issues in the United Kingdom

In this capacity, the HRLC regularly produced legal and social studies and reports on specific fundamental rights issues in the UK. These included updates on developments in the thematic areas of concern to the FRA and analysis of UK laws and practices in light of fundamental rights and principles of EU law.

The main thematic areas covered were:

  • equality and non-discrimination
  • racism
  • Roma integration
  • migration
  • data protection
  • rights of the child
  • access to justice for victims of crimes
  • the implementation in the UK of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

However these areas often expanded to include research on LGBT+ rights, business and human rights and criminal detention. While most of the reports we produced were the result of desk research, we also undertook extensive fieldwork research on several occasions.

The national reports were compiled by the FRA into comparative EU wide reports that were then used by the Agency to advice EU institutions and Member States, contributing towards ensuring full respect of fundamental rights across the EU. All national reports, including the UK reports produced by the HRLC are available online.

List of reports


  • Discrimination on Grounds of Disability and Age
  • Equal Access to Criminal Justice for All Victims
  • Roma and Travellers’ Survey


  • Annual Report 2019
  • Anti-Muslim Hatred Database
  • Business and Human Rights - Part II
  • Legal Aid in Return Procedures


  • Annual Report 2018
  • Business and Human Rights - Part I
  • Criminal Conditions of Detention
  • Human Rights Academic Institutions


  • Annual Report 2017
  • Anti-Muslim and anti-migrant hatred database
  • Charterpedia
  • Current reform of intelligence legislation
  • Living in another Member State: barriers to EU citizens' full enjoyment of their rights
  • Misogyny, gender stereotyping and hate speech against women
  • Rights of crime victims to have access to justice
  • Roma and Travellers’ Rights
  • Severe labour exploitation of migrant workers
  • Standing and operational space of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in contributing to respecting and promoting fundamental rights in EU Member States


  • Annual Report 2016
  • Mapping minimum age requirements in respect of the rights of the child in the EU
  • Migration detention of children
  • National intelligence authorities and surveillance in the EU: Fundamental rights safeguards and remedies
  • Protecting media professionals and incitement to hatred
  • Rights of crime victims to have access to justice


  • Annual Report 2015
  • Biometric data in large EU IT-systems in the areas of borders, visa and asylum – fundamental rights implications
  • Migrants and their descendants: social inclusion and participation in society
  • Rehabilitation and mutual recognition – practice concerning EU law on transfer of persons sentenced or awaiting trial
  • Return/transfer of children at risk who are EU nationals
  • Terrorist attacks in Paris
  • The right to independent living for persons with disabilities
  • The right to interpretation and translation and the right to information in criminal proceedings in the EU


  • Annual Report 2014
  • Child Participation in Civil and Criminal Justice – Part II
  • EU Mapping of Child Protection Systems
  • Homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity
  • National Intelligence Authorities and Surveillance
  • Supporting victims of severe forms of labour exploitation in having access to justice in EU Member States – Part II
  • The right to independent living of persons with disabilities: mapping institutionalisation in EU Member States


  • Annual Report 2013
  • Child Participation in Civil and Criminal Justice – Part I
  • Children with disabilities
  • Criminalisation of irregular migration
  • Freedom to conduct a business, Parts I & II
  • Gender-based violence against women - Legislation and institutional aspects
  • Guardianship systems for child victims of trafficking
  • Indicators on political participation of persons with disabilities
  • Judgements referring to the EU Charter
  • Mapping Data Sources on Roma
  • Promising practices addressing forced marriages
  • Severe Forms of Labour Exploitation
  • Surveying LGBT people and authorities: qualitative component of public authorities’ research
  • Victim Support Services in the EU: An overview and assessment of victims’ rights in practice – Part III
  • Victim Support Services in the EU: The rights and support of victims of hate crime


  • Annual Report 2012
  • Data Protection: Redress mechanisms & their use
  • Economic Crisis and Women
  • Issues concerning Roma
  • Measures taken by the EU Member States to promote gender equality
  • Participation of children in fieldwork research
  • Situation of Roma in the EU
  • Victim Support Services in the EU: An overview and assessment of victims’ rights in practice – Parts I & II


  • Annual Report 2011


Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506