Department of Philosophy

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Image of Antonio Salgado Borge

Antonio Salgado Borge

Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Faculty of Arts



I joined the University of Nottingham in Fall 2023. Before, I was Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc Fellow at Humboldt University Berlin and Associate Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of St. Andrews (2022-23). I completed my Philosophy PhD at the University of Edinburgh (2021).

My area of research specialization is Early Modern Philosophy. I have competence in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, Latin American philosophy, philosophy of history and Ancient philosophy. I am happy to consider PhD proposals from research students in any of these areas.

Expertise Summary

AOS: Early Modern Philosophy

AOC: Ancient Philosophy; Latin American Philosophy; Metaphysics; Philosophy of Mind

Teaching Summary

Ancient Philosophy; Metaphysics; Latin American Philosophy; Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of History; History of Analytic Philosophy

Research Summary

My research is in Early Modern Philosophy, particularly metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and epistemology. I am specially interested in early modern rationalism. My current research explores… read more

Recent Publications

  • ANTONIO SALGADO BORGE, 2025. God or Natura Naturata? Spinoza on the Numerical Identity Between God’s Essence and all Things in Nature. In: New Perspectives on Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise (edited by Marie Wuth and Dan Taylor)
  • ANTONIO SALGADO BORGE, 2024. Spinoza's Theory of Attributes Philosophy Compass.
  • ANTONIO SALGADO BORGE, 2024. Absolute (metaphysical). In: The Cambridge Spinoza Lexicon (Edited by Karolina Hübner and Justin Steinberg)
  • ANTONIO SALGADO BORGE, 2022. Spinozistic Expression as Signification British Journal for the History of Philosophy.

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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