Articles in peer-reviewed journals or book chapters in the field of Theology - including accepted publications.
Settimo L. "The Franciscan reception of Matt 25:31-46 during the medieval period and the resulting theological implications for Franciscan theology and spirituality." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum. In press.
Settimo L. "The Philosophical-Theological Contributions of Hans Jonas: a Possible Enrichment for Christian Theology." Independently Published (Dec 2024). ISBN-13: 979-8304049931. Available in Amazon [This book was published in December 2024 with the permission of the University of Nottingham (University Park Campus, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom) following a 2-year embargo period (granted by the University of Nottingham) in relation to the publication of Dr Luca Settimo's (2022) Doctoral Dissertation in Theology. This book has come to fruition following further adaptations, improvements, and expansions on this doctoral dissertation, including the addition of two new chapters].
Settimo L. "Hans Jonas's contributions to Rudolph Bultmann's demythologization " in: Hans Jonas: The Early Years. Daniel M. Herskowitz, Elad Lapidot and Christian Wiese (Eds.) (New York; Abingdon: Routledge, 2024), 28-53.
Settimo L. "The philosophical-theological notion of Gegenwart: its adoption by Hans Jonas and its historical development." Journal for the History of Modern Theology 30, 2 (2023), 239-265.
Settimo L. "Hans Jonas's reflections on the human soul and the notion of imago Dei: an explanation of their role in ethics and some possible historical influences on their development." History of European Ideas 49, 5 (2023), 870-884.
Settimo, L. Greenwood, A. and Crawford, P. (2022), Moral Health and Pharmacy, Published as (blog) article by the Institute of Mental Health. Available online: (21 December 2022).
Settimo L. "Freedom in creation: some theological implications deriving from the study of emergent structures in the natural world." Reviews in Science and Religion. Forthcoming. [This article was published incorrectly (without footnotes containing bibliographic information) in Reviews in Science and Religion 79 (Spring 2024 Edition), 9-20. The editors of this journal explained that they experienced this error when they printed the article and have assured me that the correct version will be uploaded and published as a digital edition in the Science and Religion Forum website in due course (Finley Lawson & Maureen Simpson, personal communication on 27 Jun 2024). In the meantime the correct/full version of this article is accessible online at: - last accessed on 20 Dec 2024.]
Written and Oral Communications in the field of Theology
Settimo L. (2024) "The emergence of beauty in the natural world: theological implications for the discovery of divine traces imprinted in creation" Seminar to be presented at the conference: Science, Causality and God: Divine Action in a Scientific Age. 28-29 October 2024. Organized by the Science and Religion Forum.
Settimo L. (2024) "Romans 7 and the notion of original sin: theological divergence between the Western and Eastern Churches." Seminar presented at the 2024 Early Career and Postgraduate Conference on Catholic Studies/Theology and Religious Studies organised by the Centre of Catholic Studies, Durham University (15-16 July 2024).
Settimo L. (2024) "The existence of intelligibility in the natural world: how should we understand laws of nature from a philosophical-theological perspective?" Seminar presented at the conference: Continuous and co-creation: Emergence in a Scientific Age. 13th-14th June 2024. Organized by the Science and Religion Forum.
Settimo L. (2023) "Commonly prescribed medications can affect the moral behaviour of patients: the importance of re-discovering the notion of 'moral health.'" Seminar delivered at the 11th International Health Humanities Conference - History and Practice of Human Care (21-23 Sep 2023), University of Derby.
Settimo L. (2023) "The use of brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) in human and non-human beings: philosophical-theological implications for morality." Seminar delivered at the Science and Religion Forum (SRF) conference - Humans & Other Animals (31 Aug - 2 Sep 2023), Westminster College, University of Cambridge.
Settimo L. (2022), 'On the differences between Franciscan and Dominican theology in relation to Mt 25:35-40 and human suffering.' Seminar delivered during the Early Career Conference in Catholic Theology and Catholic Studies 2022 (13 June 2022) organised by the Centre of Catholic Studies, Durham University.
Settimo L. (2022), 'Freedom in creation: some theological implications deriving from the study of emergent structures in the natural world.' Seminar delivered on May 27th during the Science and Religion Forum (SRF) 2022 conference - Woodbrooke Study Centre, Birmingham (after being invited to deliver a seminar as top-runner for the Peacocke Prize - in memory of Revd Dr Arthur Peacocke).
Settimo L. (2022), 'The Key Contributions of Hans Jonas to the Birth of Demythologisation Within Religious Discourse,' seminar delivered on 22 April 2022 during the residential conference for the distance learning students in Theology at the University of Nottingham.
Settimo L. (2021) Response to the paper of Prof. Celia Deane Drummond ['Theology and the Evolution of Violence: Are we Wired for War or Peace?' (Firth Lecture 2021)]. Delivered online via Microsoft Teams to all the audience of the Department of Theology and Religious study at the University of Nottingham in occasion of the conference for distance learning students in Theology at the University of Nottingham (8-9 April 2021).
Settimo L. (2019) 'La visione di Hans Jonas sulla evoluzione biologica e sul progresso scientifico' (Hans Jonas's view on biological evolution and scientific progress). Seminar delivered at the XI Workshop SISRI (Scuola Internazionale Superiore per la Ricerca Interdisciplinare) organized by the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome (18-19 Maggio 2019).
Settimo L. (2015) 'Una lettera da Oxford (a letter from Oxford - a theological reflection)' published in the portal "Documentazione Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede" Accessed 18 March 2019,
Settimo L.(2015) 'Il ruolo della testimonianza nel pensiero scientifico e religioso.' Seminar delivered at the VIII Workshop SISRI (Scuola Internazionale Superiore per la Ricerca Interdisciplinare) organized by the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome (30-31 Maggio 2015).
Settimo L. (2015) 'The value of testimony in the scientific and religious belief.' Seminar delivered at Grandpont House (an academic venue in Oxford) on February 14th 2015.
Translation work: Tanzella-Nitti, G. (2013), "God, Natural knowledge of," INTERS - Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science, edited by G. Tanzella-Nitti, I. Colagé and A. Strumia. Text translated from Italian to English by Settimo L. (Original text: G. Tanzella-Nitti, La dinamica di fede e ragione nella conoscenza naturale di Dio, P. Larrey (ed.), "Per una filosofia del Senso Comune. Studi in onore di Antonio Livi", Italianova, Milano 2009, 111-127).
Articles in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences published in peer-reviewed international scientific journals
Alghamdi A., Munday J.C., Campagnaro G.D., Gurvic D., Svensson F., Okpara C.E., Kumar A., Quintana J., Martin Abril M.E., Milić P., Watson L., Paape D., Settimo L., Dimitriou A., Wielinska J., Smart G., Anderson L.F., Woodley C.M., Kelly S.P.Y., Ibrahim H.M., Hulpia F., Al-Salabi M.I., Eze A.A., Teka I.A., Gudin S., Field M., Dardonville C., Tidwell R.R., Carrington M., O'Neill P., Boykin D.W., Zachariae U., De Koning H.P. (2020) Positively selected modifications in the pore of TbAQP2 allow pentamidine to enter Trypanosoma brucei. Elife. 2020.
Collier P.N., Twin, H.C., Knegtel R.M.A., Boyall D., Brenchley G., Davis C.J., Keily S., Mak C., Miller A., Pierard F., Settimo L., Bolton C.M., Chiu P., Curnock, A., Doyle E. Tanner A.J., Jimenez J.M. (2019) Discovery of Selective, Orally Bioavailable Pyrazolopyridine Inhibitors of Protein Kinase Cθ (PKCθ) That Ameliorate Symptoms of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 10, 1134-1139.
Settimo, L., Taylor, D. (2018) Evaluating the dose-dependent mechanism of action of trazodone by estimation of occupancies for different brain neurotransmitter targets. J. Psycopharm. 32, 96-104
Imamura H., Downing T., Van den Broeck F., Sanders M.J., Rijal S., Sundar S., Mannaert A., Vanaerschot M., Berg M., De Muylder G., Dumetz F., Cuypers B., Maes I., Domagalska M., Decuypere S., Rai K., Uranw S., Bhattarai N.R., Khanal B., Prajapati V.K., Sharma S., Stark O., Schönian G., De Koning H.P., Settimo L., Vanhollebeke B., Roy S., Ostyn B., Boelaert M., Maes L., Berriman M., Dujardin J.C., Cotton J.A. (2016) Evolutionary genomics of epidemic visceral leishmaniasis in the Indian subcontinent. Elife, e12613
Munday, J.C, Tagoe, D.N.A, Eze1, A.A., Krezdorn, J.A.M., López, K.E.R. Alkhaldi, A.A.M, McDonald, F., Still, J., Alzahrani, K.J., Settimo, L., De Koning, H.P (2015) Functional analysis of drug resistance-associated mutations in the Trypanosoma brucei adenosine transporter 1 (TbAT1) and the proposal of a structural model for the protein. Mol Microbiol. 96, 887-900
Munday, J.C., Settimo, L., and de Koning, H.P. (2015) Transport proteins determine drug sensitivity and resistance in a protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma brucei Front Pharmacol. 6, 32.
Ochiana, S., Bland N., Settimo, L., Campbell, RK, Pollastri.M. (2014) Repurposing Human PDE4 Inhibitors for Neglected Tropical Diseases. Evaluation of Analogs of the Human PDE4 Inhibitor GSK-256066 as Inhibitors of PDEB1 of Trypanosoma brucei. Chem Biol Drug Des. 85, 594-564
Amata, E., Bland, N., Hoyt, C., Settimo, L., Campbell, R., Pollastri, M. (2014) Repurposing human PDE4 inhibitors for neglected tropical diseases: Design, synthesis and evaluation of cilomilast analogues as Trypanosoma brucei PDEB1 inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 24, 4084-9
Settimo, L., Bellman, K., Knegtel, R. (2014) Comparison of the Accuracy of Experimental and Predicted pKa Values of Basic and Acidic Compounds, Pharmaceutical Research. 31, 1082-1095
Jimenez, J.M., Boyall, D., Brenchley, G., Collier, P.N., Davis, C.J., Fraysse, D., Keily, S.B., Henderson, J., Miller, A., Pierard, F., Settimo, L., Twin, H.C., Bolton, C.M., Curnock, A.P., Chiu, P., Tanner, A.J., Young, S. (2013) Design and Optimization of Selective Protein Kinase C θ (PKCθ) Inhibitors for the Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases. J Med Chem. 56, 1799-1810
Jimenez, J.M., Davis C., Boyall D., Fraysse D., Knegtel R., Settimo, L., Young S., Bolton C., Chiu P., Curnock A., Rasmussen R., Tanner A., Ager I. (2012) Structure-based optimization of aminopyridines as PKCθ inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 22, 4645-9.
Settimo, L., Donnini, S., Juffer, A.H., Woody, R.W., Marin O. (2007) Conformational changes upon calcium binding and phosphorylation in a synthetic fragment of calmodulin
Biopolymers (Peptide Science). 88, 373-85
Sanders J.M., Pentikäinen O.T., Settimo L., Pentikäinen U., Shoji M., Sasaki M., Sakai R., Johnson M.S., Swanson G.T. (2006) Determination of binding site residues responsible for the subunit selectivity of novel marine-derived compounds on kainate receptors. Mol Pharmacol. 69, 1849-60.
Pentikäinen, U.*, Settimo, L.*, Johnson, M.S., Pentikäinen, O.T. (2006) Subtype selectivity and flexibility of ionotropic Glutamate Receptors upon antagonist ligand binding, Org Biomol Chem, 4,1058-70. (* equal contribution to the work).
Bauce, B., Basso, C., Rampazzo, A., Beffagna, G., Daliento, L., Frigo, G., Malacrida, S., Settimo, L., Danieli, G., Thiene, G., Nava, A. (2005) Clinical profile of four families with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy caused by dominant desmoplakin mutations. Eur Heart J, 26, 1666-75.
Sanders, J.M., Ito, K., Settimo, L., Pentikäinen, O.T., Shoji, M., Sasaki, M., Johnson, M.S., Sakai, R., Swanson, G.T. (2005) Divergent pharmacological activity of novel marine-derived excitatory amino acids on glutamate receptors. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 314, 1068-78.
Bagattin, A., Veronese, C., Bauce, B., Wuyts, W., Settimo, L., Nava, A., Rampazzo, A., Danieli, G.A. (2004) Denaturing HPLC-based approach for detecting RYR2 mutations involved in malignant arrhythmias. Clin Chem, 50, 1148-55.
Arrigoni, G., Marin, O., Pagano, M.A., Settimo, L., Paolin, B., Meggio, F., Pinna, L.A. (2004) Phosphorylation of calmodulin fragments by protein kinase CK2. Mechanistic aspects and structural consequences. Biochemistry, 43, 12788-98.
Moretti, L.*, Pentikäinen, O.T.*, Settimo, L., Johnson, M.S. (2004) Model structures of the N- methyl-d-aspartate receptor subunit NR1 explain the molecular recognition of agonist and antagonist ligands. J Struct Biol, 145, 205-15 (* equal contribution to the work).
Pentikäinen, O.T., Settimo, L., Keinänen, K., Johnson, M.S. (2003) Selective agonist binding of (S)- 2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolyl)propionic acid (AMPA) and 2S-(2alpha,3beta,4beta)-2- carboxy-4-(1-methylethenyl)-3-pyrrolidineacetic acid (kainate) receptors: a molecular modeling study. Biochem Pharmacol, 66, 2413-25.
Jouppila, A., Pentikäinen, O.T., Settimo, L., Nyrönen, T., Haapalahti, J.P., Lampinen, M., Mottershead, D.G., Johnson, M.S., Keinänen, K. (2002) Determinants of antagonist binding at the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor subunit, GluR-D. Role of the conserved arginine 507 and glutamate 727 residues. Eur J Biochem. 269,6261-70.
Lampinen, M., Settimo, L., Pentikäinen, O.T., Jouppila, A., Mottershead, D.G., Johnson, M.S., Keinänen, K. (2002) Discrimination between agonists and antagonists by the alpha-amino-3- hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid -selective glutamate receptor. A mutation analysis of the ligand-binding domain of GluR-D subunit. J Biol Chem, 277, 41940-7.
Scientific Monographs (Ph.D Thesis in Biochemistry)
Settimo, L. (2005) Structural basis for ligand recognition in the ionotropic glutamate receptors. ISBN 952-12-1562-3
Patents (in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Boyall, D. Davis, C., Dodd, J., Everitt, S. Miller, A., Weber, P., Westcott, J., Young, S., Settimo, L. Compounds useful as inhibithors of indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Nov 10, 2013, CA2891412A1, WO/2014/081689.
Jimenez, J.M., Settimo, L. Pyrazolopyrazine kinase inhibitors. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Aug, 4 2011, WO 2011/094288 and WO 2011/094290
Jimenez, J.M., Fraysse, D., Settimo, L., Brenchley, G., Boyall, D. Tri-cyclic pyrazolopyridine kinase inhibithors Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Jun, 8 2011, EP2328896
Jimenez, J.M., Knegtel, R., Brenchley, G., Boyall, D., Settimo, L., Fraysse, D. Pyrazolopyrdine kinase inhibitors. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, May, 18 2011, EP2321318
Jimenez, J.M., Fraysse, D., Settimo L., Brenchley, G., Boyall D. Pyrazolopyrdine kinase inhibitors. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, May, 11 2011, EP2318407
Jimenez, J.M., Studley, J., Chris, D., Settimo, L., Collier, P., Fraysse, D., Knegtel, R., Boyall, D, Brenchley, G, Miller, A, Twin, H, Young, S, Tri-cyclic pyrazolopyridine kinase inhibithors. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, May, 11 2011, EP2318408
Francois, M., Bemis, G.W., Tiansheng, W., Jimenez, J.M., Settimo, L., Boyall, D., Fraysse, D, Young, S, Chris, D. Aminopyridine kinase inhibitors. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Apr, 27 2011, EP2313372
Jimenez, J.M., Bemis, G.W., Maltasi, F., Tiansheng, W., Knegtel, R., Davis, C., Fraysse, D., Boyall, D., Settimo, L., Young, S., Mortimore, M., Kinase inhibitors. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Mar, 31 2011, US 20110077237
Jimenez, J.M., Knegtel, R., Chris, D., Mortimore, M., Bemis, G.W., Francois, M., Settimo L, Fraysse, D, Young, S, Boyall, D, Tiansheng, W. 2-aminopyridine derivatives useful as kinase inhibitors. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Mar, 3 2010, CN 200880009618
Jimenez, J.M., Mortimore, M., Miller A., Collier, P., Young, S., Brenchley, G., Davis, C., Twin, H., Mak, C., Boyall, D., Keily, S., Settimo, L. Kinase inhibitors. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Nov, 26 2009, US 20090291937
Jimenez, J.M., Bemis, G., Francois, M., Tiansheng, W., Knegtel, R., Chris, D., Fraysse, D., Boyall, D., Settimo, L., Young, S., Mortimore, M. 2-aminopyridine derivatives useful as kinase inhibitors. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Aug, 7 2008, WO 2008/094992