Department of History

History Research Seminar - 19 February

Machicado Suite Willoughby Hall
Wednesday 19th February 2020 (13:00-14:00)

Books Behaving Badly: Condemning Heretical Text in the Late Middle Ages

Justine Trombley

The Lene Family's Day in Court: Waste, Salvage and Vandalism on a Fourteenth Century Suffolk Manor

Joseph Peake

Wednesday 19 February 2020`

All are welcome and refreshments will be provided.

The Machicado Suite is located on the ground floor of Willoughby Hall, near the West Entrance of University Park.

Download the spring programme of seminars here.

If you have any questions email Ruben Serem or Dean Blackburn.


Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details