Department of History

Local History Seminar - 11 December

Lenton Grove A18
Saturday 11th December 2021 (10:00-12:30)

Local History Seminars

This is a long-running public seminar series run by the Department of History, convened by Dr Richard Gaunt (Associate Professor in British Political and Electoral History). All students, academic staff, and the general public are welcome. The seminars offer an opportunity for public discussion of local history topics with specialist talks from visiting speakers and University of Nottingham academics.

We're pleased to return to in-person seminars this autumn. The University strongely encourages the continued use of facemasks in seminar rooms unless you are exempt due to a medical condition. Hand sanitiser will be available and please give those outside of your bubble plenty of space. 

This week

We are in the usual room A18-19 in Lenton Grove.

Saturday 11 December

'Using spectroscopy to understand historic painted schemes' with Dr Chris Brooke (University of Nottingham)

Spectroscopy is a scientific technique used to analyze and identify materials through their individual chemical composition. It is employed in a wide variety of fields including medical, military, and criminal research, but its ability to characterize pigments and associated materials means it can also play a key role in investigating art and cultural heritage artefacts.

The first part of the seminar will look at how various types of spectroscopy work and what they can tell us and will feature several case studies both in Nottinghamshire and elsewhere. The second part will discuss the ongoing work at Southwell Minster to try to determine if the late C13th Chapter House, with its important carvings, was once adorned with colour.


Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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