6 October 2011 Sir Anthony Eden and Suez, 1956 Dr Spencer Mawby (Nottingham University) Preceded by AGM at 7.00 pm
1 December 2011 The Assassination of Spencer Percival, Prime Minister, in 1812 Dr Gordon Pentland (Edinburgh University)
12 January 2012 Charles Dickens and London Klaudia Lee (Nottingham University)
2 February 2012 The French Revolution, 1789: An apprenticeship in democracy Professor Colin Heywood (Nottingham University)
1 March 2012 The British Slave Trade: Easy Money? Dr Sheryllynne Haggerty (Nottingham University)
Meetings are held 7.30-9.00pm B14, Department of History (Lenton Grove), University Park. ALL WELCOME!
University of NottinghamUniversity Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
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