Local history seminar - Saturday 12 December 2015

Saturday 12th December 2015 (10:00-12:30)
Professor John Beckett


The next Department of History local history seminar will take place on Saturday 12 December at 10am-12.30pm, in A18/19, Lenton Grove, University Park.

Dr Helen Fenwick will speak on:

Beresford’s Lost Villages Website

The Beresford's Lost Villages website was made possible by a generous legacy bequeathed to the University of Hull by Professor Maurice Beresford, and initially it concentrated on settlements identified in his 1971 volume Deserted Medieval Villages. The seminar will review the work undertaken creating the website and the sources used to investigate deserted medieval settlement. It will also look forward to the mammoth task of updating the original gazetteer and ask the question, ‘Is the study of deserted settlement still relevant today?’

Helen is co-director of the ‘Beresford’s Lost Villages’ project. Her main research interests include medieval settlements and landscape. She lectures in Archaeology at Hull.

For more details, email the co-ordinator Professor John Beckett or visit the 'Local history seminars' webpage here.

Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details