Urban society and the borough court – conference

Thursday 2nd July 2015 (10:00-18:00)


The legal network of medieval and pre-modern Europe offered multiple routes to justice. For urban residents, borough courts and other civil courts offered widespread recourse to law, allowing ordinary residents to air complaints about economic disputes and interpersonal misbehaviour, arising from the interactions of everyday life. These courts existed alongside national criminal legal systems and a network of multiple other jurisdictions. Their records reveal how individuals, communities and officials perceived of the correct rules of economic and social relations and the steps that could be taken when these rules were not adhered to.

This conference provides multiple perspectives on a broad range of urban courts, with papers from historians working across the medieval-early modern periods and on regions across Europe. It will provide a valuable opportunity for historians to consider the wealth of evidence contained within the records of premodern European courts and to consider the legal network across a broad spectrum of place and time.

Keynote speaker: Professor Christopher Dyer, University of Leicester

Registration is free thanks to funding from the Centre for Economic and Business History and the Institute for Medieval Research at the University of Nottingham.

Participants are asked to register in advance through the online store.

Call for papers here PDF format. Programme here PDF format.

Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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