Department of History

Local history seminar - Saturday 11 March 2017

Lenton Grove, NG7 2RD, University Park
Saturday 11th March 2017 (10:00-12:30)
Professor John Beckett


Southwell Workhouse

Two Sessions 

Session 1: Mike Jefferson - Farming on the Templar estates in Lincolnshire following the arrest of the Order in 1308

After the arrest of the Templars on 10 January 1308 their estates fell into the hands of Edward II and were managed through his agents. The estates’ accounts from the period 1308–13 give a detailed insight into the farming practised by the Order and initially continued by the king's agents. It is the response of the Templars to the Lincolnshire landscape which forms the focus of the presentation.

Session 2: Amy Calladine - Public Ritual in English Towns, c.1630–1670

The period 1630–1670 was characterised by intense political and religious dislocation as Britain experienced civil war, republican rule and, finally, Restoration of the Monarchy. At such times, urban centres used moments of large-scale ritual practice to negotiate these unfamiliar circumstance. Focusing on a number of ceremonial forms including civic entries, public procession and the marking of regime change, the talk explores the nature of ritual performance with a special focus on East Midlands towns.

Click here to view the full list of local history seminars. 

Admission is £5 and includes refreshments. Booking is not required. 

These seminars are open to all with an interest in local and regional history.

Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details