Department of History

Local history seminar - Saturday 20 February 2016

Saturday 20th February 2016 (10:00-12:30)
Professor John Beckett



The next Department of History local history seminar will take place on Saturday 20 February at 10am-12.30pm, in A18/19, Lenton Grove, University Park.

There will be two sessions:

The East Midlands and the Influenza Pandemic of 1918–19 with Dr Joan Knight

In the summer of 1918, as the First World War was entering its final stages, a great plague of influenza erupted and spread around the globe, killing millions. This session will consider how the pandemic entered the East Midlands, from its first appearance amongst the troops on the battlefields of Europe, and how it affected the region's civilian population.

Joan is a tutor at Loughborough University and is currently involved in the Victoria County History Trust's Charnwood Roots project.

Methodism in 19th-century South Nottinghamshire with Dr Anne Woodcock

Methodist membership was an important personal commitment, both initially and on a continuing basis. However, the circuit records relating to four parishes in south Nottinghamshire reveal that much of it was short-term and often conceal a significant level of turnover.

Anne Woodcock is retired, interested in local history, and has recently completed her doctorate on Methodism in south Nottinghamshire.

For more details, email the co-ordinator Professor John Beckett or visit the 'Local history seminars' webpage here.

Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details