Department of History

Local History Seminar 13 Oct 18

A18 Lenton Grove
Saturday 13th October 2018 (10:00-12:30)

Colonial links to Country Houses and their Owners

Speaker: Helen Bates

After giving an overview of some of the recent projects looking at colonial links to country houses and the physical legacies of this, Helen will present a case study on the 2nd Duke of Montagu's ill-fated quest to conquer part of the Caribbean for George I. She will focus particularly on how indentured servants played a key part in this conquest and how she traced the involvement of people like John Beeston, 'briches maker' of Bingham, Nottinghamshire.

Dr Bates is a lecturer in Public History and Heritage at the University of Derby and she is also based at Newstead Abbey as Academic-in-Residence exploring the colonial links to the estate. 


Booking is not necessary and the entry fee of £5 includes refreshments.

For more information contact: Professor John Beckett 

Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details