Department of History

Resonating Occupation

Trent Building
Friday 11th May 2018 (09:00-17:00)
Russell Skelchy  

Workshop summary

This workshop will bring together scholars from multiple disciplines and geographic regions working at the nexus of sound, music, and foreign occupation—here defined broadly to include studies of colonialism, imperialism, conflict and war. Discussion at the workshop will revolve around the following questions:

How does the context of occupation give rise to distinctive auditory environments and music cultures? Or, what does occupation sound like?

How are sound and music implicated in the disciplining of colonized subjects and aural spaces? 

How do listeners of occupation create new forms of auditory expression?

What might comparative studies of auditory environments in different geographic and temporal contexts contribute to a better understanding of individual cases of occupation, and of occupation more generally?

What can studies of occupation contribute to developing new research methodologies and approaches to studying sound?

Further information

Please email queries to Russell Skelchy at:  

Register for the conference here.


Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details