Department of History

Robert Markus

Robert Markus, who died on December 8th, 2010, was Professor of Medieval History at Nottingham between 1974 and 1982, and subsequently professor emeritus. Robert was an extremely influential scholar who helped to create the concept of Late Antiquity.  He was especially known for this work on Augustine of Hippo and Gregory the Great.  From his many works, two books will be known to all students of the period: The End of Ancient Christianity (1990) and Gregory the Great and his World (1997).  He was most encouraging to younger scholars at the start of their careers, including those here in Nottingham.  Obituaries have been published in The Guardian (by Dame Jinty Nelson) and The Independent (by Professor Wolf Liebeschuetz).

Posted on Thursday 3rd March 2011

Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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