Department of History

The Yeltsin Foundation funds translation of Dr Nick Baron's study of Soviet regional history

Dr Nick Baron’s monograph - Soviet Karelia. Power, Politics and Terror in Stalin’s Russia, 1920-1939 (in Russian)ROSSPEN, the foremost Russian academic publisher, has released a translation of Baron’s monograph Soviet Karelia. Power, Politics and Terror in Stalin’s Russia, 1920-1939 (Routledge, 2007).  It appears in the ROSSPEN series ‘History of  Stalinism’. This series aims, by publishing the ‘best 100 monographs on this subject written by leading Russian and foreign historians in recent years’ and organizing associated conferences, seminars and public discussion events, 'to instill in [Russian] social consciousness the results of the scientific analysis of the Soviet period’. The translation of the book, its subsidized retail price, and its free-of-charge distribution to all Russian regional university and public libraries, was funded by the Yeltsin Foundation. 

Further details of the book can be found on the publisher’s website.

Further details on the ‘History of Stalinism’ project can be found on
the website of the Yeltsin Foundation.

Posted on Wednesday 2nd March 2011

Department of History

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