Department of History

Year 3 History undergraduate attends the recent World Model United Nations Conference in Singapore

From the 14th to 18th March, a delegation from Nottingham University attended the annual World Model United Nations Conference in Singapore. It had 2,200 students from over 65 countries attending, with the aim of discussing pressing current affairs and world problems.

Thomas Hewett, who is a third year History undergraduate student, attended this conference.  He said: “I was lucky enough to be chosen to represent Nottingham at this exciting event, and it proved to be a fantastic experience. The draft resolutions that we proposed were sent to the United Nations proper, meaning that the work we carried out could be implemented into legislation, and thus make a real difference to people's lives. Each member of our delegation was in a different section on the UN, and had to address a different topic within their committee. Being in such a diverse, dynamic environment only increased my interest in the UN and current affairs, and I am fortunate that the School of History gave me the opportunity to participate in this unique event.”

Posted on Tuesday 19th April 2011

Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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