Department of History

Amy Carter wins 'A Focus on Nature' environmental history award

Amy Carter is the winner of the 2015 ‘A Focus on Nature’ environmental history award. The award is made by the ‘A Focus on Nature’ environmental history group.

Amy wrote her dissertation on the subject of Victorian private menageries.

Describing her work, she says:

“The choice to examine Victorian private menageries for my dissertation came as the result of studying and becoming thoroughly intrigued by the breadth of environmental history, encouraged by Dr Rob Lambert’s infectious enthusiasm for the field. In particular, researching for an essay on Victorian attitudes to animals led me to consider the interaction between the private menageries and the general public.

“Working on the dissertation was interesting not only because the field is relatively new, giving the exciting opportunity to contribute at the forefront of research, but because I had the chance to find and utilise an extensive collection of primary sources dealing with Knowsley and Tring menageries, with fascinating, untold, and often humorous, stories to tell. 

“As I move on to study for a masters in heritage and museums I hope to continue exploring environmental history and expanding upon the social and environmental impact menageries and museums have had on society.”

Posted on Tuesday 25th August 2015

Department of History

University of Nottingham
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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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