Department of History

Rubén Serém - new title published: 'A Laboratory of Terror'

Rubén Serém has published a new book entitled A Laboratory of Terror: Conspiracy, Coup d'état and Civil War in Seville, 1936-1939. History and Myth in Francoist Spain.

The book dissects the conspiracy against the democratic Second Spanish Republic in the context of the uprising and civil war in Seville, the capital of Spain’s largest region, Andalusia, and the most populous urban centre seized by the military rebels during the coup d’état of July 1936. As the major industrial and economic centre in insurgent Spain, Seville remains central to understanding the rebels’ repressive project, for this Andalusian province witnessed the highest number of extra-judicial assassinations throughout the war. 

Full details of the book and its content can be found here.


Posted on Tuesday 23rd January 2018

Department of History

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