Department of History

Dr James Dawkins interviewed by the BBC on Britain's forgotten slave owners podcast


Dr James Dawkins

One of our Research Fellows in the Department of History, Dr James Dawkins, was recently interviewed about his research for the BBC Witness History podcast 'Britain's forgotten slave owners: part two'.

The interview explores how Dr Dawkins used research by historians into Britain's forgotten slave-owners to track down the descendants of the family who'd owned his ancestors two centuries earlier. His research explores whether or not he is descended both from enslaved people and the slave-owning Dawkins family who have links to the evolutionary biologist and reknowned athiest, Dr Richard Dawkins. 

You can listen to this fascinating podcast on the BBC website here.


Dr James Dawkins is a Research Fellow in the Department of History. His work focuses on tracing and studying the socio-economic, political, and commercial connections between Britain and its former West Indian slave colonies during the 18th and early 19th centuries. He is also engaged in research which identifies and publicly acknowledges the significance of enslaved African labour to the industrial, institutional and cultural development of modern Britain.


Posted on Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Department of History

University of Nottingham
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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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