Department of History

Recent publications in the Department of History

Our academic staff in the Department of History are all active researchers writing articles and books in their specialist fields. Here is a list of the most recent publications - click on the links to access free resources or purchase books. 

Gwilym Dodd: 'William Stubbs, Parliament and the Medieval English Constitution', in Historians and Parliament, ed. David Hayton and Linda Clark (Oxford, 2020), 25-44.

Richard Gaunt: ‘Norman Gash and the Making of Mr Secretary Peel’ in Historians and Parliament, ed. David Hayton and Linda Clark (Oxford, 2020), 148-67.

David Laven: ‘Agostino Sagredo and Venezia e le sue lagune’, Venetica 35/60 (2021): Special number: Valeria Mogavero & Maria Pia Casalena (eds), Scienzati italiani a congresso nel Veneto asburgico (1842, 1847), 61–84

Tarik Oumazzane: Regional Integration in the Middle East and North Africa: The Agadir Agreement and the Political Economy of Trade and Peace (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).

Anna Rich-Abad: "Jews and Christians in the Western Middle Ages." In Bloomsbury Medieval Studies Lesson Plans. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021.

Uditi Sen: Co-authored introduction to the special section of the Journal of South Asian Studies, titled "A country of her making" and authored article ‘Social Work, Refugees and National Belonging: Evaluating the ‘Lady Social Workers’ of West Bengal’ in the same issue.


Posted on Tuesday 27th July 2021

Department of History

University of Nottingham
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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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