Department of History

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Image of Gwilym Dodd

Gwilym Dodd

Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts



I studied for a BA Hons degree in History at the University of York, 1990-93. I was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) to complete my Masters (M.Phil) at the University of Cambridge in 1994, and my D.Phil (PhD) at the University of York, under the supervision of Professor W. M. Ormrod. My PhD research focussed on the English parliament between 1369 and 1422. Between 1998 and 2001 I held a British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at York. I was appointed to my post at the University of Nottingham in 2002.

Research Summary


My research focuses on the politics, governance and administration of England from the late thirteenth to mid-fifteenth centuries. A central strand of my work is an exploration of the relationship between late medieval English kings and their subjects, and the idea that in England at this time there existed a broad-based polity whose different constituent members actively engaged in the governance of the realm. My interests focus on the institutions, people and ideas/language which shaped this polity, and the political culture of the English late Middle Ages. Many of my publications reflect a strong interest in the workings and development of the English parliament. In parallel, I have developed a broad portfolio of work on the petitionary culture of late medieval England. Other published areas include: historiography; the political content of poetry; patterns of language use; the development of equity law; war and the development of the 'state'; bureaucracy and administration; the royal affinity; and the exercise of kingship.

Current Research:

I am currently writing a major scholarly monograph on The Late Medieval English Parliament, 1272-1461. This work places parliament within broad historical developments across two hundred years of history, focussing on politics, public finance, justice and legislation. Drawing on the research I have conducted on the subject for almost three decades, the book seeks a far-reaching new appraisal of the role of institutions in the political life and governance of late medieval England.

Since 2020 I have been working as part of a team on the Leverhulme funded project 'Understanding the Medieval Gough Map through Physics, Chemistry and History' (PI C. Delano-Smith). This is an ambitious multi-disciplinary project investigating the map's content, its codicological aspects and the contexts which could explain its compilation.

Monograph and Editions:

1) Justice and Grace: Private Petitioning and the English Parliament in the Late Middle Ages (OUP: Oxford, 2007), 374 pages, focuses on the key role of the English medieval parliament in hearing and determining the requests of the king's subjects in the period c.1270-1450. It looks at the nature of medieval petitioning, how requests were written and how and why petitioners sought redress specifically in parliament. It also sheds new light on the concept of royal grace and its practical application to parliamentary petitions. Its conclusions contribute to our understanding of the nature of medieval monarchy, and its ability (or willingness) to address local difficulties, as well as the nature of local society, and the problems that faced individuals and communities in medieval society.

The research for this book was initially facilitated by the award of a British Academy Post-doctoral Fellowship (1998-2001), and was then subsequently enhanced by my involved as Co-Investigator with Prof W. Mark Ormrod (PI) in two major AHRC Resource Enhancement Awards between 2003-7: 'Medieval Petitions: A Catalogue of the "Ancient Petitions" in the National Archives' (£291,984) and 'Medieval Petitions: A Catalogue of the Gascon, Chancery and Exchequer Petitions in the National Archives (£120,747).

2) Petitions to the English crown from English Religious Houses, c. 1272 c. 1485, ed. G. Dodd and A. K. McHardy, Canterbury and York Society 100 (2012), 352 pages. A selection of over 200 cases shows the religious of medieval England taking full advantage of this mechanism, petitioning as landowners, neighbours, citizens, individuals, and religious orders.

This publication arose out of project funded by the award of a British Academy Larger Research Grant (£99,174), for which I was Principal Investigator.

3) Petitions from Lincolnshire, c.1200 -c. 1500, ed. G. Dodd and A.K. McHardy, Lincoln Record Society 108 (2020), 375 pages. When the normal channels for righting wrongs or asking favours were unavailable, the people of medieval England petitioned their kings - in parliament, council, or chancery. This volume demonstrates how petitions were presented by all sections of Lincolnshire society: men and women, aristocrats, peasants, merchants, townsmen, bishops, abbots, and other clergy. Their stories illuminate political turmoil, religious and economic change, and the influence of geography. They also show vividly how Lincolnshire's experience was part of the national, and even international, story.

This publication arose out of a grant of £8,098 funded by the Lincoln Record Society.

Edited Collections of Essays:

I have edited, or jointly-edited, ten collections of essays, including a number of volumes offering new perspectives on the reigns of specific late medieval English kings (Edward II, Richard II, Henry IV and Henry V). Many of these volumes have arisen from conferences and other scholarly engagements I have organised at Nottingham and elsewhere.

I was deeply honoured to bring to publication two essay collections recognizing the enormous contributions to academic life of the late Prof. W. Mark Ormrod. Monarchy, State and Political Culture (York Medieval Press, 2020) contains essays from some of Prof. Ormrod's former PhD students and research collaborators; People, Power and Identity in the Late Middle Ages (Routledge, 2021) contains essays from some of his closest colleagues working in the field of medieval studies.

Since 2011 I have been a member of the editorial board of the series Fourteenth Century England (Boydell Press), which publishes essays on aspects of the history, politics and culture of England and its neighbours during the 'long' fourteenth century. In this time I have brought to publication two volumes (IX and X). With Helen Lacey, I will be editing volume XIII, with an expected publication date of 2024. As a member of the editorial board of FCE I have regularly organised sessions at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, under the auspices of the 'Society for Fourteenth Century Studies' (please contact me if you are interested in presenting a paper at the next IMC).


I have supported the successful the application of Dr Matt Raven who currently (from 2020) holds a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship in the department, working on a project entitled, 'Earls and Transnational Kingship in the Medieval Plantagenet Empire, c.1300-1400'.

Current PhD Students

Connor Williams, 'Kingship, Nobility and Gentry: The Uses and Abuses of Wardship from Edward III to Henry IV (c. 1350-1413)', started 2020 (M4C AHRC 3 year studentship, Lead Supervisor)

Fred Lloyd-Williams, 'The Cult of Henry VI: Medieval Memory, Sainthood and Kingship', started 2019 (M4C AHRC 3 year studentship, Joint Supervisor)

Becca Wheddon, 'Propaganda an Persuasion: Political Discourse and the Negotiation of Power and Authority in Yorkist and early Tudor England', started 2019 (M4C AHRC 3 year studentship, Lead Supervisor)

Claudia Minnett, 'Politics, Patronage and Power: The Office of Chancellor 1437-1485, started 2019 (Lead Supervisor)

Pam Powell, 'Commerce and Politics in Chester, 1377-1413', started 2019 (Joint Supervisor)

Jen Caddick, 'The Distribution of Royal Patronage to the Gentry in the Minority of Henry VI, 1422-c.1437', started 2017 (M3C AHRC 3 Year studentship, Lead Supervisor)

Former PhD Students

Matt Hefferan, 'Edward III's Household Knights', PhD 2018 (M3C AHRC 3 year studentship, Lead Supervisor)

Mike Jefferson, 'The Templar Lands in Lincolnshire and their Fate, 1185-1338', PhD 2016 (Joint Supervisor)

Janice Musson, 'Commoners and the Assize of Novel Disseisin, 1156-1285: A Study of Low Status Litigants', PhD 2016 (Joint Supervisor

Matt Phillips, 'Church, Crown and Complaint: Petitions from Bishops to the English Crown in the Fourteenth Century', PhD 2013 (AHRC 3 year studentship, Lead Supervisor)

Peter Russell, 'Aspects of Political Society in South Nottinghamshire, 1327-1360', PhD 2009 (Lead supervisor)

Sharon Walker, 'Tyranny, Complaint and Redress: the Impact and Aftermath of Despenser Rule, c. 1320-1335', PhD 2013 (Lead Supervisor)


Lucy Lynch, 'Until Peace Return to the Earth": A Comparative Study of the Hampshire Gentry During the Wars of the Roses and the English Civil Wars', M.Phil 2016 (Joint Supervisor)

Remy Ambühl, 'The Prisoners of Agincourt (1415): Ransoming in the late Middle Ages', M.Res 2004 (Lead Supervisor)


The modules I teach reflect the broad interest I have in late medieval history. My second year option 'Kingship in Crisis: People, Politics and Power in Late Medieval England' provides an introduction to the key political episodes in English history between 1272 and 1485. I also offer a third year option module 'The Wars of the Roses'. My Special Subject on 'The Reign of Richard II', and associated dissertation module, allows students to take advantage of the remarkable body of primary sources which survive for this reign, enabling them to form their own opinions about one of the most controversial and enigmatic kings to have ruled England.

Recent Publications

  • DODD, G, 2024. Unanimity, Anonymity and Immunity: Thomas Haxey and the Form of the Common Petition in 14th-Century England. In: R. HUZZEY, M. JANSE, H. MILLER, J. ODDENS and B. WADDELL, eds., Petitions and Petitioning in Europe and North America From the Late Medieval Period to the Present OUP/British Academy.
  • DODD, G, 2023. Town and Crown: Self-Representation and Signification in Fourteenth-Century England Nottingham Medieval Studies: Special Issue - Centres and Peripheries in Medieval Britain and France. Essays in Honour of Michael Jones. 67, 85-117
  • DODD, G and GOODMAN, ANTHONY E., 2022. Richard II (1367-199; r. 1377-99). In: Routledge Resources Online - Medieval Studies Taylor and Francis.
  • DODD G., 2021. William Stubbs, Parliament and the Medieval English Constitution. In: D. HAYTON and L. CLARK, eds., Historians and Parliament Wiley. 25-44
  • DODD. G, 2021. Henry Knighton, the Commons and the Crisis of Governance in the 1380s Historical Research. 94(264), 235-66
  • DODD, G., LACEY, H. and MUSSON, A., eds., 2021. People, Power and Identity in the Late Middle Ages: Essays in Memory of W. Mark Ormrod Routledge.
  • DODD G., LACEY H. and MUSSON A., 2021. 'Introduction' and 'W. Mark Ormrod: A Tribute'. In: G. DODD, H. LACEY and A. MUSSON, eds., People, Power and Identity in the Late Middle Ages: Essays in Memory of W. Mark Ormrod Routledge. 1-5 and 6-19
  • DODD, G. and MCHARDY, A. K., eds., 2020. Petitions from Lincolnshire c. 1200 - c. 1500 Lincoln Record Society.
  • DODD, G., 2020. "Nother by addicions, nother by diminucions": The Parliament of April 1414 and the Drafting of Late Medieval English Legislation. In: G. DODD and C. TAYLOR, eds., Monarchy, State and Political Culture in Late Medieval England: Essays in Honour of W. Mark Ormrod Boydell and Brewer. 117-43
  • DODD, G. and TAYLOR, C., eds., 2020. Monarchy, State and Political Culture in Late Medieval England: Essays in Honour of W. Mark Ormrod Boydell and Brewer.
  • DODD, G., 2020. Tyranny and Affinity: The Public and Private Authority of Richard II and Richard III. In: L. CLARK and P. FLEMING, eds., The Fifteenth Century XVIII: Rulers, Regions and Retinues - Essays Presented to A. J. Pollard The Boydell Press. 1-16
  • DODD, G., 2019. County and Community in Medieval England English Historical Review. 134(569), 777-820
  • DODD, G and AMBUHL, R., 2019. The Politics of Surrender: Treason, Trials and Recrimination in the 1370s. In: R. AMBUHL, J. BOTHWELL and L. TOMPKINS, eds., Ruling Fourteenth-Century England: Essays in Honour of Christopher Given-Wilson Boydell and Brewer. 227-61
  • DODD, G., 2019. Chaucer and the Polity. In: I. JOHNSON, ed., Geoffrey Chaucer in Context CUP. 337-45
  • DODD, G., 2019. Languages and Law in Late Medieval England: English, French and Latin. In: C. BARRINGTON and S. SOBECKI, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Law and Literature CUP. 17-29
  • DODD, G., 2019. English Politics and the Hundred Years War. In: A. CURRY, ed., The Hundred Years War Revisited Macmillan. 1-32
  • 格威利姆·多德 (DODD, G: AUTHOR.), 张尚莲 [TRANSLATOR] and 史耕山 [TRANSLATOR], 2019. 15世纪英格兰议会请愿书及法律文书中英文的始用 [Blood, Brains and Bay-Windows: The Use of English in Fifteenth-Century Parliamentary Petition] 经济社会史评论 [Economic and Social History Review]. 20, 26-46
  • DODD., G, ed., 2018. Fourteenth Century England X Boydell and Brewer.
  • DODD, G., 2018. Blood, Brains and Bay-Windows: The Use of English in Fifteenth-Century Parliamentary Petitions. In: T. W. SMITH and H. KILLICK, eds., Petitions and Strategies of Persuasion in the Middle Ages: The English Crown and the Church, c.1200-c.1550 York Medieval Press. 11-39
  • 格威利姆·多德 [DODD, G: AUTHOR], 张尚莲 [TRANSLATOR] and 史耕山 [TRANSLATOR], 2017. 民众之声:中世纪晚期英格兰的诉状和议会 [Voices of the People: Petitions and Parliament in Late Medieval England] 经济社会史评论 [Economic and Social History Review]. 10, 44-60
  • DODD, G., 2016. Petitions from the King's Dominions: Wales, Ireland and Gascony, c. 1290-1350. In: P. CROOKS, D. GREEN and W. M. ORMROD, eds., The Plantagenet Empire, 1259-1453: Proceedings of the 2014 Harlaxton Symposium Shaun Tyas. 187-215
  • BOTHWELL, J. and DODD, G., eds., 2016. Fourteenth Century England IX Boydell and Brewer.
  • DODD, G. and SOPHIE PETIT-RENAUD, 2015. Grace and Favour: The Petition and Its Mechanisms. In: C. FLETCHER, J-P GENET and J. WATTS, eds., Government and Political Life in England and France, c. 1300 - c. 1500 Cambridge University Press. 240-78
  • DODD, G., 2015. Agincourt: Henry's Hollow Victory History Today. 65(10), 19-26
  • DODD, G., PHILLIPS, M. and KILLICK, H., 2014. Multiple-Clause Petitions - Instruments of Pragmatism or Persuasion? Journal of Medieval History. 40, 1-19
  • DODD. G., 2014. Historians of the Late Medieval English Parliament History Compass. 12(4), 1-16
  • DODD, G., 2014. 'The Clerical Chancellors of Late Medieval England'. In: M. HEALE, ed., The Prelate in England and Europe, c. 1300 - c. 1560 York Medieval Press/Boydell and Brewer. 17-49
  • DODD, G, 2013. 'Henry V's Establishment: Service, Loyalty and Reward in 1413'. In: G. DODD, ed., Henry V: New Interpretations Boydell and Brewer. 35-76
  • DODD, G, ed., 2013. Henry V: New Interpretations Boydell and Brewer.
  • DODD, G., 2011. 'The Spread of English in the Records of Central Government, 1400-30'. In: E. SALTER and H. WICKER, eds., Vernacularity in England and Wales, c. 1300-1550 Brepols. 225-66
  • DODD, G, 2011. 'Corruption in the Fourteenth-Century English State' International Journal of Public Administration. 34/11, 720-30
  • DODD, G., 2011. 'Writing Wrongs: the Drafting of Supplications to the Crown in Later Fourteenth-Century England' Medium Aevum. 80(2), 217-246
  • DODD, G. and MCHARDY, A., eds., 2010. Transcriptions of 200+ petitions with summaries and notes, extensive introduction. Petitions to the Crown from English religious houses, c. 1272-c. 1485 Boydell Press for Canterbury and York Society.
  • DODD, G, 2009. 'Thomas Paunfield, the "heye Court of rightwisenesse" and the Language of Petitioning in the Fifteenth Century'. In: W. M. ORMROD, G. DODD and A. MUSSON, eds., Medieval Petitions: Grace and Grievance Woodbridge: York Medieval Press. 222-41
  • DODD, G., 2009. 'Parliamentary Petitions? The Origins and Provenance of the "Ancient Petitions" (SC 8) in the National Archives'. In: W. M. ORMROD, G. DODD and A. MUSSON, eds., Medieval Petitions: Grace and Grievance Woodbridge: York Medieval Press. 12-46
  • ORMROD, W. M and DODD, G. AND MUSSON, A, eds., 2009. Medieval Petitions: Grace and Grievance Woodbridge: York Medieval Press.
  • DODD, G., 2008. 'Patronage, Petitions and Grace: The "Chamberlains' Bills" of Henry IV's Reign'. In: G. DODD and D. BIGGS, eds., The Reign of Henry IV: Rebellion and Survival 1403-13 Woodbridge: York Medieval Press. 105-35
  • DODD, G., 2008. 'Richard II and the Fiction of Majority Rule'. In: C. BEEM, ed., The Royal Minorities of Medieval and Early Modern England Palgrave Macmillan. 103-59
  • DODD, G. AND BIGGS, D., ed., 2008. The Reign of Henry IV: Rebellion and Survival 1403-13 Woodbridge: York Medieval Press.
  • DODD, G., 2007. Justice and Grace: Private Petitioning and the English Parliament in the Late Middle Ages Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • DODD, G., 2007. 'Diplomacy, Sovereignty and Private Petitioning: Scotland and the English Parliament in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century'. In: M. PENMAN and A. KING, eds., Fourteenth Century Scotland I: War and Peace, New Perspectives on Anglo-Scottish Relations, c. 1286-c. 1406 Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer.
  • DODD, G., 2006. 'A Parliament Full of Rats? Piers Plowman and the Good Parliament of 1376' Historical Research. 79(203), 21-49
  • DODD, G., 2006. 'Changing Perspectives: Parliament, Poetry and the "Civil Service" Under Richard II and Henry IV' Parliamentary History. 25(3), 299-322
  • DODD, G. and MUSSON, A., eds., 2006. The Reign of Edward II: New Perspectives York: Medieval Press.
  • DODD, G., 2006. 'Charleton, Sir Robert (d. 1395) and 'Fyncheden, Sir William (d. 1374)'. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • DODD, G., 2006. 'Parliament and Political Legitimacy in the Reign of Edward II'. In: G. DODD and A. MUSSON, eds., The reign of Edward II: New Perspectives Woodbridge: York Medieval Press. 165-189
  • BOGAARD, A.M., CAREY, S. C., DODD, G., REPATH, I. D. and WHITAKER, R., 2005. Small group teaching: perceptions and problems Politics. 25(2), 116-125
  • DODD, G., 2003. 'Henry IV's Council, 1399-1405'. In: G. DODD and D. BIGGS, eds., Henry IV: The Establishment of the Regime, 1399-1406 Woodbridge: Boydell. 95-115
  • DODD, G. and BIGGS, D., eds., 2003. Henry IV: The Establishment of the Regime, 1399-1406 Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
  • DODD, G., 2002. 'Getting Away with Murder: Sir John Haukeston and Richard II's Cheshire Archers' Nottingham Medieval Studies. 46, 102-17
  • DODD, G., 2002. 'The Calais Staple and the Parliament of May 1382' English Historical Review. 117(470), 94-103
  • DODD, G., 2001. 'Conflict or Consensus: Henry IV and Parliament, 1399-1406'. In: T. THORNTON, ed., Social Attitudes and Political Structures in the Fifteenth Century Sutton Publishing. 118-49
  • DODD, G., 2001. 'The Lords, Taxation and the Community of Parliament in the 1370s and Early 1380s' Parliamentary History. 20(3), 287-310
  • DODD, G., 2001. 'The Hidden Presence: Parliament and the Private Petition in the Fourteenth Century'. In: MUSSON, A., ed., Expectations of the Law in the Middle Ages Woodbridge: Boydell Press. 135-49
  • DODD, G., ed., 2000. The Reign of Richard II Stroud: Tempus Publishing.
  • DODD, G., 2000. 'Richard II and the Transformation of Parliament'. In: G. DODD, ed., The Reign of Richard II Stroud: Tempus Publishing. 71-84

Department of History

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