Department of History

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Image of Martina Salvante

Martina Salvante

Assistant Professor - Twentieth-Century European History, Faculty of Arts



I joined the Department of History at the University of Nottingham in September 2019.

I completed my BA/MA in History at the Università degli Studi di Firenze (Florence, Italy) and received my PhD in History from the European University Institute. I was an Irish Research Council postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for War Studies, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Warwick. I worked as a teaching associate at Trinity College Dublin, Università degli Studi di Firenze, John Cabot University and as a research fellow at the German Historical Institute in Rome. I was a Cendari visiting fellow at the Universität Stuttgart in Germany and a visiting scholar at the Universidad de Buenos Aires in Argentina.

Expertise Summary

I specialise in the social and cultural history of Modern Italy and Europe and I have a particular interest in topics like fascism, gender and masculinities, sexuality, the First World War and disability.

I am a member of the editorial board of the journal Genesis, which specialises in women's and gender history. The journal is promoted by Italy's Society for Women Historians (Società italiana delle storiche, SIS) and has been rated as "class A" by ANVUR (the Italian rating agency for scientific journals).

Teaching Summary

I convene the second-year module European fascisms, 1900-1945, which examines and compares the rise of fascist movements in Italy, Germany and other European countries. I also convene for finalists… read more

Research Summary

My work has extensively focused on the interrelationship between gender and nation, while recently my attention has shifted to the intersection between gender and disability. I have been increasingly… read more

Recent Publications

I convene the second-year module European fascisms, 1900-1945, which examines and compares the rise of fascist movements in Italy, Germany and other European countries. I also convene for finalists the Special Subject Transnationalising Italy: A History of Modern Italy in Transnational Perspective, which looks at the history of modern Italy from a transnational framework in order to illuminate different facets of the connections between Italy and the wider world.

In 2023-24, I also convene the Y1 survey module The Contemporary World since 1945.

In the past, I contributed my expertise to the Y2 modules Politics and Protest: The Last Hundred Years of Music History and The Politics of Memory in Postwar Western Europe.

As a seminar tutor, I have contributed to the first-year modules Learning History and The Contemporary World since 1945.

At the PG level, I convene the MA module Daily Life under Authoritarian Regimes and contribute to Past Futures: Reimagining the Twentieth Century.

Current Research

My work has extensively focused on the interrelationship between gender and nation, while recently my attention has shifted to the intersection between gender and disability. I have been increasingly interested in examining the spaces and practices of negotiations between individuals and the state.

I am working on a project on Italy's disabled veterans of the First World War under the fascist regime. This leads me to engage with diverse questions such as gender and masculinity, welfare and humanitarianism, activism, political violence, and transnational links.

  • MARTINA SALVANTE, 2021. Trauma in post-WWI Italy: Experiences, erasures, and denials. In: C. TWOMEY and P. MICHAELS, eds., Gender and Trauma Bloomsbury. 19-39
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2020. The Wounded Male Body: Masculinity and Disability in Wartime and Post-WWI Italy Journal of Social History. 53(3), 644-666
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2020. Introduction: Gender and Disability in the Two World Wars Journal of Social History. 53(3), 595-603
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2020. La paternità nell'Italia fascista. Simboli, esperienze e norme, 1922-1943 Viella.
  • DALY, SELENA, SALVANTE, MARTINA and WILCOX, VANDA, 2018. Introduction: A Fertile Terrain for First World War Scholarship. In: DALY, SELENA, SALVANTE, MARTINA and WILCOX, VANDA, eds., Landscapes of the First World War Palgrave Macmillan. 1-14
  • DALY, SELENA, SALVANTE, MARTINA and WILCOX, VANDA, eds., 2018. Landscapes of the First World War Palgrave Macmillan.
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2016. I ciechi di guerra nella Firenze del primo conflitto mondiale: Storie, iniziative e traguardi. In: LABANCA, NICOLA, ed., Guerra e disabilità: mutilati e invalidi italiani e primo conflitto mondiale Unicopli. 57-74
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2016. Mutilati e invalidi in Trentino Alto-Adige: il caso dei ciechi della grande guerra Annali del Museo storico della Guerra. 7-26
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2016. Arditi
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2016. Militarized Workers (Italy)
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2016. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Rome
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2015. 'Thanks to the Great War the blind gets the recognition of his ability to act': the rehabilitation of blinded servicemen in Florence First World War Studies. 6(1), 21-35
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2015. Maschilità di confine: mutilati e invalidi trentini e sudtirolesi nel primo dopoguerra Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione. 23(1), 161-168
  • VERSTRAETE, PIETER, SALVANTE, MARTINA and ANDERSON, JULIE, 2015. Commemorating the disabled soldier: 1914-1940 First World War Studies. 6(1), 1-7
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2015. “Less than a Boot-Rag”: Procreation, Paternity, and the Masculine Ideal in Fascist Italy. In: WENDT, SIMON and ANDERSEN, PABLO DOMINGUEZ, eds., Masculinities and the nation in the modern world: between hegemony and marginalization Palgrave Macmillan. 93-112
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2013. La prostituzione maschile nel discorso scientifico della prima metà del Novecento in Italia. In: GUIDI, LAURA and PELIZZARI, MARIA ROSARIA, eds., Nuove frontiere per la storia di genere 3. Università di Salerno. 509-516
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2013. War's waste: Rehabilitation in World War I America: First World War Studies First World War Studies. 4(2), 276-278
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2013. The Italian Associazione Nazionale Mutilati e Invalidi di Guerra and Its International Liaisons in the Post Great War Era. In: NEWMAN, JOHN PAUL and EICHENBERG, JULIA, eds., The Great War and Veterans' Internationalism Palgrave Macmillan. 162-183
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2013. Italian Disabled Veterans between Representation and Experience. In: COOPER, NICOLA and MCVEIGH, STEPHEN, eds., Men After War Routledge. 111-129
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2011. Padri sotto processo. La violazione degli obblighi di assistenza familiare nel Codice penale italiano (1931-1943). In: CONTRERAS, JAIME and SÁNCHEZ IBÁÑEZ, RAQUEL, eds., Familias, poderes, instituciones y conflictos Universidad de Murcia. 307-322
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2010. Italie : jeunesse, masculinité et sexualité « déviante ». In: BLANCHARD, VÉRONIQUE, REVENIN, RÉGIS, YVOREL, JEAN-JACQUES and BOZON, MICHEL, eds., Les jeunes et la sexualité: initiations, interdits, identités (XIXe-XXIe siècle) Editions Autrement. 211-221
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2006. Tra mercato del lavoro e famiglia: la legislazione e i prestiti matrimoniali per le donne impiegate nella Germania nazista. In: GIORGI, CHIARA, MELIS, GUIDO and VARNI, ANGELO, eds., L’altra metà dell’impiego. La storia delle donne nell’amministrazione Bononia University Press. 157-180
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2005. Petra Terhoeven, Liebespfand fürs Vaterland. Krieg, Geschlecht und faschistische Nation in der italienischen Gold- und Eheringsammlung: Historische Anthropologie Historische Anthropologie. 13(1), 136-137
  • SALVANTE, MARTINA, 2003. I prestiti matrimoniali: una misura pronatalista nella Germania nazista e nell'Italia fascista: Passato e presente Passato e presente. XXI(60), 39-58

Department of History

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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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