Department of History

Remembering Byron at his Bicentenary and Beyond

‘Newstead and I stand or fall together’: Remembering Byron at his Bicentenary and Beyond 

Dr Sam Hirst

Over the next six months, I'll be undertaking a post-doctoral Knowledge Exchange fellowship, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and in collaboration with the University of Nottingham and Newstead Abbey.   

Newstead Abbey is the ancestral home of Lord Byron, one of the most famous Romantic poets. This project focuses on the site as a literary heritage house and explores how the house brings to life the literary legacy and life of Lord Byron. Throughout the six months, I'll be working on new displays and selecting objects in the collection to be the “object of the month”. These displays will explore the possibilities of material history - how we can view the past through objects that remain.  

I will examine what these objects, some of which have never been displayed at Newstead Abbey before, reveal to us about Byron, his life, his world and his work. 

The project also focuses on collaboration with the house, its staff and volunteers. There will be monthly poetry groups and collaborative workshops, focusing on Byron's own words and how they can be used and explored in the house and grounds. 

On this website, you can keep track of the projects I'm running, including trips to literary houses for inspiration and information, videos on the object of the month, poetry explorations and the collaborative work on Byron's history and writing. 


Latest Updates

The Byron Lecture
Byron and Vampires at the Nottingham Central Library
Exploring Byron's legacy with visiting secondary students
Object of the Month - A tree trunk with Byron's name on it!
Newstead Byron Poetry Club
Byron Reading for the Byron Society
New Signs Round the Abbey Grounds
An Introduction to Byron's Poetry
Byron's Bash
Object of the Month - Dog Collar
Object of the Month - John Edleston Letters
Object of the Month - Byron's Will
Installing the new exhibit


Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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