Department of History

Coal and Steelworkers' Study Group (CSSG)

Who we are

The CSSG was formed at a conference at the National Coal Mining Museum for England on 7-8 December 2017 and brings together historians, social scientists, curators, and former miners and steelworkers. While we are diverse in background, outlook and approaches, we share a common interest in studying the history, and preserving the heritage, of the British coal and steel industries, the people working in those industries, the communities in which they lived and their interactions with wider society.

coal mining

The group has three objectives:

1) to provide an academic forum for the presentation and discussion of new and ongoing work on aspects of the coal and steel industries in twentieth-century Britain; 

2) to serve as a network of mutual exchange and support;

3) to act as a pressure group for the preservation of the industrial heritage of the coal and steel industries.

What we do

We organise regular conferences, further the publication of academic work and intervene in public debate on the historical significance of Britain’s coal and steel industries. The group is open to anyone who shares our interest in the history and heritage of the coal and steel industries. We welcome inquiries from the public and suggestions for further events.


‘By the People, for the People’ : The Nationalisation of Coal and Steel Revisited                   First Conference of the Coal and Steelworkers’ Study Group, 7-8 December 2017

Conference Poster

Conference Programme

Conference report

Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details