Department of History

Dr Jon Rowson

Dr Jon Rowson completed his PhD on Modern Russian Social and Economy History in 2020.

"My PhD was a vastly rewarding experience that set me up excellently for a career outside of academia.

I was fortunate enough to be able to spend one year in Russia conducting archival research for my project, and this opportunity allowed me to become acquainted with the Russian language and the country’s people. This was central to be getting my first job in journalism in Autumn 2019 as a News Writer and correspondent for RIA Novosti (Russian news agency).

These language skills further helped me pivot into my current career path in public relations in the United Arab Emirates.

Headshot of Jon Rowson against a white background

Since moving to Dubai in September 2021, I have worked in marketing and public relations roles for companies in the aviation (VD Gulf Aircraft maintenance) and cybersecurity sectors (Group-IB, an international cybersecurity company, integrating myself within the large Russian and international business community in the UAE.

In both of these roles, core skills that I learned throughout my PhD experience, namely the organization of large amounts of material and crafting concise, coherent, and convincing arguments, have been essential.

Additionally, my current role greatly benefits from the soft skills I nurtured during my PhD, such as communication skills honed during conference presentations, time management techniques, and adaptability."

Study PhD History

Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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