Northern Association of Ancient Philosophy Annual Conference

A03 Humanities Building
Thursday 4th (09:00) - Friday 5th April 2024 (17:00)
Matthew Duncombe

Northern Association of Ancient Philosophy Annual Conference, 4 - 5 April 2024

The Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy Conference is held annually and brings together scholars across the world to present cutting edge work on the History of Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy. The conference consists of six papers, two given by graduate students. 

In 2024 the conference will be held in the Humanities Building, University of Nottingham on Thursday 4-Friday 5 April.

The Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy Annual Meeting 2024

Day 1 – 04.04.2024

12.30: Welcome & Lunch

1 – 2.30: Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi (UCL)
‘Elpis in Plato’s Laws’

2.40 – 3.40: Yahui Chen (California)
‘Aristotle on the Reasons for Loving a Friend: Individual Virtues and Intimacy’

4 – 5.30: Sophie Grace Chappell (The Open University)
‘Irreversible Enlightenments: A Reading of Plato’s Meno’

Day 2 – 05.04.2024

9 – 10: David Jones (Nottingham)
‘How Plato wrote his characters: A new theoretical framework with an example, Agathon’s speech in the Symposium’

10.10 – 11.40: Jenny Bryan (Manchester)
‘Heraclitus’ Epistemic Pessimism’

12 – 1.30: Sean Kelsey (Notre Dame)

This is a hybrid event. 

Please click here to register.

Contact: Matthew Duncombe

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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