Just Philosophy 3: Gender, Race and Class in Philosophical Practice

Wednesday 7th November 2018 (09:30-17:30)
Ian Kidd

Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham
Organisers: Katharine Jenkins, Ian James Kidd, Aness Webster

For most of the history of Philosophy, members of several social groups including women, members of racial and ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities, have been actively excluded from the discipline or forced to operate on its margins. This annual workshop is motivated by the thought that in order for the present-day practice of Philosophy to be truly just, we, as members of the discipline, must confront this discriminatory past and actively work to overcome its continuing effects, which include the under-representation of women, racial and ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities (among others) at all levels. Sessions will focus on practical efforts to address this issue and we hope to provide an opportunity to discuss challenges, share strategies, and think about avenues for further investigation.

  • 9.30 Tea and coffee
    • Highfield House
  • 10.15 Welcome
    • Katharine Jenkins, Ian James Kidd, Aness Webster
  • 10.30 Emergent Vulnerabilities, Feigned Hurt: The Twisted Strategy of Usurping the Moral High Ground
    • Meena Dhanda
    • Chair: Katharine Jenkins
  • 12 Lunch (vegan)
  • 1.30 Reading Groups, Recognition & Reform: The Praxis of Gender Activism in Philosophy
    • Anne-Marie McCallion
    • Chair: Katharine Jenkins
  • 3 Afternoon tea
  • 3.30 Formal Africana Philosophy and Cosmopolitan Decolonisation
    • Liam Kofi Bright
    • Chair: Katharine Jenkins
  • 5 Drinks

Attendance is free and includes a vegan lunch by local caterers Yemoja Foods, as well as tea, coffee and water throughout the day. Please register above so we can monitor numbers.

For abstracts, please visit the event page.

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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