Department of Philosophy

Matt Duncombe - The Origins of the Liar, the Sorties, and Some Less Popular Paradoxes

Online - 365 Teams Meeting
Wednesday 21st April 2021 (15:00-16:00)
Philosophy 2021 Spring Seminar Poster. This is a complex image. Please email for more information. Quote PHILOSOPHY SPRING 2021.

Philosophy spring seminar series poster

Join us for our spring research seminars of 2021. The speaker this week is Matt Duncombe, University of Nottingham. This is a Works in Progress talk from University of Nottingham faculty.

The Origins of the Liar, the Sorties, and Some Less Popular Paradoxes

"The Liar Paradox and the Sorites Paradox are two of the most enduring paradoxes. Although not obviously philosophically related, they were invented by one philosopher, Eubulides. Was Eubulides just an eristic logic-chopper? Or was he, like Zeno, offering his paradoxes to defend some philosophical claim?

I offer a rational reconstruction that Eubulides introduced these (and two other less well-known paradoxes) to defend a certain semantic claim, endorsed by the Megarics: ‘things can be spoken of only with their own proper logos’."


Please note that all talks will take place virtually, not on campus. All are welcome. The seminars will take place Wednesdays at 3pm.

To sign up for our mailing list, please email the seminar convenor, Michael Hannon:

(We require your email to send you an invitation to the online seminar.)

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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