Department of Philosophy

CBET Community Study Day

Saturday 26th September 2015 (10:00-16:15)
Please contact Peter Watts with enquiries.

The Centre of Bible, Ethics and Theology (CBET) in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies 

Community Study Day: Why Study Biblical Languages?

The event is open to all and aimed at anyone interested in exploring the significance of biblical languages for the study of the Bible today.

The cost is £10 per person, including lunch and refreshments. The programme will start with registration from 10am and conclude at approx. 4.15pm (further details below).

Online booking is now available.

  • Are our English translations of the Bible reliable?
  • Is it worth investing time in the study of biblical languages?
  • Should all ministers have a knowledge of Hebrew and Greek?
  • What relevance do the Biblical Languages have for those in the congregation?

As well as surveying the history of the Bible and its languages, we’ll be examining biblical texts and the impact that understanding Hebrew and Greek has on their interpretation. No prior knowledge of either language is necessary, although the day may also be of interest for those looking to ‘re-awaken’ their language skills.

It could be said that the study of biblical languages is in decline... The majority of theology departments and colleges no longer require students to learn Greek or Hebrew - but what are the implications of this? Martin Luther suggests that without study of the biblical languages, preaching becomes flat and tame, “But where the preacher is versed in the languages, there is a freshness and vigour in his preaching, Scripture is treated in its entirety, and faith finds itself constantly renewed by a continual variety of words and illustrations.”

In the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, we strongly encourage all students to study at least one biblical language and, through CBET, we aim to extend this to people outside the University by offering the opportunity to see the value - and joy - of learning biblical Hebrew and Greek.

We also hope that this study day will lead to further provision of biblical language teaching for the wider community in the future.

The day will be led by Prof Roland Deines and Dr Peter Watts, with contributions from other members of the department.

  • Roland Deines is Professor of New Testament and co-director of CBET. He currently teaches modules on the Life and Teaching of Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew, Biblical Theology and the Jewish Context of Jesus and Early Christianity. Prof Deines is also an ordained Lutheran minister.
  • Peter Watts is Teaching Associate in Biblical Studies and Admissions Tutor. He teaches introductory Biblical Greek and Hebrew in the Department, and co-teaches intermediate Greek with Prof Deines. Dr Watts has also taught Biblical Greek at St John’s College, Bramcote.

Provisional Programme

10am - Arrival, registration and refreshments
10.30am - Welcome and introduction
11am - Session 1: Entering the World of the Bible Through its Languages
12pm - Lunch
12.45pm - Session 2: Why Study the Bible in Greek?
2.15pm - Break and refreshments
2.45pm - Session 3: Why Study the Bible in Hebrew? 
4.15pm - Close

Cost: £10 per person - book online

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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