Department of Philosophy

Visiting Fellow - Dr Ana Zimmerman

The Department of Philosophy are pleased to announce that Dr Ana Zimmerman, University of San Paolo Brazil will be a Visiting Fellow from April-July 2012.

Ana Cristina Zimmermann is a lecturer at the School of Physical Education and Sports at University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil, since 2010. She obtained her PhD in Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, spending one year at the School of Education at the University of Nottingham under the supervision of Prof. W. John Morgan.

Her current interests are concerned with the study of the human movement as an expression, and what we can learn about ourselves from the experience of bodily movement. This research is interdisciplinary, drawing on elements from education, physical education, philosophy, and art areas. Her approach is influenced by the phenomenological tradition, the idea being that sporting activity is a form of being-in-the-world.

A new aspect of her research that she would like to engage with whilst at Nottingham University is the relation between ethics and aesthetics in sports, and in particular, the way that ethical flaws or virtues influence aesthetic values. Although it has been said that sports displaying moral virtue license our pleasure in their beauty, she would like to focus on the converse of this interconnection: do ethical consequences arise from aesthetic elements? One way to think about this is to consider how the personal virtues which enable us to face up to challenges in a creative way and to deal with conflict may be fostered by sporting activity.

Enquiries about her visit should be directed to Greg Currie, her academic host.

Posted on Thursday 1st March 2012

Department of Philosophy

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