Department of Philosophy

Students awarded The Lumsden Prize and the Jim Lees Prize at the annual Lumsden Lecture

lumsden lecture news

The Lumsden Lecture is an annual event held in memory of Michael Lumsden, who graduated in Philosophy at Nottingham in 1993 and died shortly thereafter. 

Each year the department, in association with the Philsoc, invite a distinguished visiting speaker to address staff and students on an important and interesting topic in philosophy. This year the event was held on April 25, and our speaker was Professor Havi Carel from the University of Bristol who spoke about 'The philosophical role of illness'.

The lecture is also the occasion on which the Department presents the Lumsden Prize and the Jim Lees Prizes to winning students. The Lumsden Prize is awarded to the student who, in the previous academic year, is judged to have written the best philosophy essay. The Jim Lees Prize is awarded to the second year single honours philosophy students who, in the previous academic year, achieved the best overall marks.

The Lumsden Prize winner this year was Joseph Adams.

The Jim Lees Prize winners were Phoebe Jascourt and Benjamin Avital.

Posted on Thursday 28th April 2016

Department of Philosophy

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University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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