Department of Philosophy

Andrew Jackson's PhD research wins Peacocke essay prize

Theology and Religous Studies PhD student Andrew Jackson was surprised to learn they had won the Science and Religion Forum’s Peacocke Prize. The essay, titled Towards an Eastern Orthodox Contemplation of Evolution: Maximus the Confessor’s Vision of the Phylogenetic logoi was chosen as this year's prize winner. 

The awarding body wrote to Andrew "It was felt that your essay provided a clear example of independent thought in addressing the voice Eastern Orthodoxy within the science and religion conversation. You showed a clear awareness of the wider literature and confidently scoped out a complex topic with precision within the word limit."

Amongt other prizes, Andrew will be able to attend the Science and Religion Forum conference with all costs covered. As well as that, they have been given a 45minute session to present the paper at the conference.

Huge congratulations Andrew!

Posted on Thursday 5th May 2022

Department of Philosophy

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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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