Taymiyyan Studies Postgraduate Colloquium

The University of Nottingham, University Park
Wednesday 2nd (13:45) - Thursday 3rd March 2016 (16:00)
Please contact Jon Hoover with any enquiries

2 - 3 March 2016
University Park, The University of Nottingham

Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328) was an incisive, controversial, and influential Muslim scholar from Damascus. This colloquium features papers by postgraduate researchers on this thought, context, and legacy.

2 March 2016
Willoughby Hall, Morton Coville Room
University Park, The University of Nottingham
1.45 - 5.30pm

Farid Suleiman (Erlangen), “The ontology of Ibn Taymiyya”

Zeynep Yücedoğru (Nottingham), “Hulul as the cognitive presence of God in the believer's heart: Ibn Taymiyya's interpretation of Psalm 5:11 as the proof-text against divine indwelling in Christian theology”

Arjan Post (Utrecht), “Traditionalist Sufism: spirituality in the circle of Ibn Taymiyya”

Emrah Kaya (Nottingham), “Sufism and inspiration in Ibn Taymiyya”

3 March 2016
Humanities Building B53
University Park, The University of Nottingham
11.15am - 4.00pm

Jabir Sani-Maihula (Nottingham), “The other side of Ibn Taymiyya on jihād”

Seerwan Ahmed (Nottingham), “Ibn Taymiyya’s view on the abrogation of Qur’anic verses in contrast to the majority of jurists”

Abdullah Sliti (Durham), “A lost legacy of critical engagement: Ibn al-Qayyim on divine determination”

Jon Hoover (Nottingham), “Ibn Taymiyya’s use of Ibn Rushd in his refutation of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi’s Ta’sis al-taqdis,”


Department of Theology and Religious Studies

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
