CUNNINGHAM, MARY B., 2023. Epiphanios the Monk. Life of Mary, the Theotokos, and Life and Acts of St Andrew the Apostle. Introduction, Translation and Commentary Liverpool University Press.
CUNNINGHAM, MARY B., 2023. Women in the Orthodox Churches: Modernity and Change. In: NICHOLAS DE LANGE, ELENA NARINSKAYA AND SYBIL SHERIDAN, ed., Tois Pasin ho Kairos. Judaism and Orthodox Christianity Facing the Future Lexington Books/ Fortress Academic. 65-75
CUNNINGHAM, MARY B., 2022. 'The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Hypapante) according to Two Byzantine Hymnographers: An Encounter in Liturgical Time and Space'. In: LIZ JAMES, OLIVER NICHOLSON AND ROGER SCOTT, ed., After the Text: Byzantine Enquiries in Honour of Margaret Mullett Routledge. 7 - 18
CUNNINGHAM, MARY B., 2022. 'The Portrayal of Joachim and Anna in Byzantine Texts and Images: An Intersection of Historical and Liturgical Time'. In: S. BRODBECK, A.-O. POILPRÉ AND I. RAPTI, ed., Histoire Chrétienne en images: espace, temps et structure de la narration. Byzance et Moyen Âge occidental Éditions de la Sorbonne. 225 - 42
CUNNINGHAM, MARY B., 2021. The Virgin Mary in Byzantium, c. 400 - 1000 CE: Hymns, Homilies and Hagiography Cambridge University Press.
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CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2020. 'Visual Thinking and the Influence of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite on the Homilies and Hymns of Andrew of Crete'. In: DELL'ACQUA, F. and MAINOLDI, E., eds., Pseudo-Dionysius and Christian Visual Culture, c. 500 - 900 Palgrave Macmillan. 211-37
CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2020. 'Eastern Orthodoxy'. In: LARSEN, T., ed., The Oxford Handbook of Christmas Oxford University Press. 126-140
CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2019. 'Byzantine Reception'. In: The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Biblical Interpretation Oxford University Press. 667 - 685
CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2019. 'Reflections on the Qur'an, Christianity, and Intertextuality'. In: HOLGER M. ZELLENTIN, ed., The Qur'an's Reformation of Judaism and Christianity: Return to the Origins Routledge. 333 - 343
CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2019. 'Zur byzantinischen Rezeption biblischer Offenbarungen über die Jungfrau Maria'. In: FRANCA ELA CONSOLINO AND JUDITH HERRIN, ed., Zwischen Orient und Okzident: Frühmittelalter (6. - 11. Jh.) Kohlhammer. 79 - 103
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CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2016. 'The Interpretation of the New Testament in Byzantine Preaching: Mediating an Encounter with the Word'. In: D. KRUEGER AND R. NELSON, ed., The New Testament in Byzantium Dumbarton Oaks Research Library. 191-203
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CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2015. 'L'interpretazione della revelazione biblica su Maria, la Theotokos, nel periodo bizantino'. In: CONSOLINO, F.E. AND HERRIN, J., ed., Fra Oriente e Occidente: Donne e Bibbia nell' Alto Medioevo (secolo VI - XI): Greci, Ebrei, Arabi Trapani: Il Pozzo di Giacobbe. 69 - 89
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BRUBAKER, L. and CUNNINGHAM, M.B., eds., 2011. The cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium: texts and images Ashgate.
CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2011. 'The Use of the Protevangelium of James in Eighth-Century Homilies on the Mother of God'. In: L. BRUBAKER and M.B. CUNNINGHAM, eds., The Cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium: Texts and Images Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate. 163 - 78
CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2011. 'Messages in Context: The Reading of Sermons in Byzantine Churches and Monasteries'. In: LYMBEROPOULOU, A., ed., Byzantium: Visions, Messages and Meanings. Festschrift for Prof Leslie Brubaker on her 60th Birthday Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate. 83 - 98
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CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2008. Wider than heaven: eighth-century homilies on the Mother of God St Vladimir's Seminary Press.
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CUNNINGHAM, MARY B. AND BRUBAKER, LESLIE, 2007. 'Byzantine veneration of the Theotokos: icons, relics, and eighth-century homilies'. In: H. AMIRAV AND B. TER HAAR ROMENY, ed., From Rome to Constantinople: Studies in Honour of Averil Cameron Leuven: P. Peeters. 235-50
CUNNINGHAM, M.B. and BRUBAKER, L., 2007. 'The Christian Book in Medieval Byzantium'. In: T. NOBLE and J. SMITH, eds., The Cambridge History of Christianity: Vol. 3: Early Medieval Christianity, c. 600 - c. 1100' Cambridge University Press. 235 - 50
CUNNINGHAM, MARY B., 2006. 'All-Holy Infant': Byzantine and Western views on the conception of the Virgin Mary St Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly. 50(1-2), 127-48
CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2004. 'The Meeting of the Old and the New: The Typology of Mary the Theotokos in Byzantine Homilies and Hymns'. In: R.N. SWANSON, ed., The Church and Mary: Studies in Church History 39 Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer. 52 - 62
CUNNINGHAM, M.B., 2003. 'Dramatic Device or Didactic Tool: The Function of Dialogue in Byzantine Preaching'. In: E. JEFFREYS, ed., Rhetoric in Byzantium: SPBS Publications 11 Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate. 101 - 13
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