School of Humanities

Christmas foodbank collection

This festive season we are once again supporting Broxtowe Community Projects! 

Broxtowe Community Projects is a local foodbank which is very close to our hearts here in Humanities - one of our team helps to run it and several of our staff also volunteer with this small charity. They supply hundreds of people with food every week and also run schemes to reduce food waste, increase recycling and educate people on nutrition and cooking skills. 

If you want to make a donation, they have asked for donations to their current Crowdfunder campaign. All donations up to 2am on December 17th (THIS FRIDAY!) will be match funded so you can double your donation AND the charity can get gift aid on top too!

Follow this link to donate to their Crowdfunder campaign. Alternately you can contact the charity to donate via PayPal or set up a regular direct debit.

With covid cases rising again, we are trying to limit contact in the office so we would really like to encourage people to donate to the fundraiser rather than bring in items where possible this year, especially if you were thinking about doing a specific shop. However, if you do prefer to donate items, we have put a box outside Humanities A23 for you to drop them off. This box will be emptied each night. Items can be dropped up to Christmas Eve and then we will take them to the foodbank in the New Year. If you're not sure what to donate, the charity is doing a reverse advent calendar on Facebook and Instagram with a suggested item to donate each day up to Christmas and they also have a list of most-needed items on Facebook as well. 


Posted on Tuesday 14th December 2021

School of Humanities

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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