Elena Genova and Elisabetta Zontini will be presenting: ‘"Still in love with the country, but the country is not in love with me": Emotions as a lens for understanding EU highly skilled migrants’ integration in Brexit Britain’ at the 15th International Congress of Société Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF) ‘Breaking the Rules: Power, Participation, Transgression’, 19 - 24 June, Helsinki, Finland.
Roda Madziva and the Combating Human Trafficking Research Team (Chamunogwa Nyoni; Innocent Mahiya and Juliet Thondhlana) will be presenting: “Insights into dimensions of Trafficking in humans: The Zimbabwean Perspective” at the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference on “Crossing borders, connecting cultures”, Luxembourg University, July 7-9, 2021.
School of Sociology and Social PolicyLaw and Social Sciences buildingUniversity of NottinghamUniversity Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
+44 (0)115 951 5393