
INFINITY exists to catalyse the next generation of university-inspired financial technology commercialisation ventures.

Our purpose

The UK hosts a thriving financial services sector, the largest in Europe, which provides the ideal national environment for potential commercialisation of ventures arising from universities. Yet, the connectedness between the fundamental university research and the accelerators of growth in the financial services sector is limited.

INFINITY will fill this gap by:

  • maintaining a pipeline of financial technology research
  • supporting the application of research into the next generation of products and services for consumers and firms

We embrace diverse talent and communities to enable the UK economy to realise university-inspired opportunities for growth in this sector.

Our Hub

The Hub brings together an existing ecosystem of three leading Midlands-based universities with financial technology expertise (Nottingham, Birmingham and Warwick), the UK’s leading funders and accelerators of start-up and growth for financial services, together with existing UKRI and government network investments.

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Inclusive Financial Technology Hub

Castle Meadow Campus
University of Nottingham