
It was a great pleasure for our INFINITY team at the University of Nottingham to meet with Jonathan Holt (Chief Executive, KPMG UK), Justine Andrew, Marc Abrams, and Tom Fox, to further strengthen our strategic partnership with KPMG.

Jon, as our University of Nottingham alumni, kindly participated in our first ‘Lunch with a Leader’ session, sharing sector-leading and inspirational insights with our current students. Later on, Jon, Justine, Marc and Tom also visited the new Castle Meadow Campus, which will host KPMG’s East Midlands office later this year. 

All of us at INFINITY look forward to further collaborating on innovating research in data analytics to provide fresh insights to promote long-term sustainable growth that supports our communities and the UK economy. 

Jonathan Holt said,

Innovation is absolutely key to that strategy and the university partnerships we have, in Cambridge, Leeds and right here in Nottingham, supports that growth agenda, providing hubs for innovation and research to solve the biggest challenges that our clients are facing.


Infinity team in front of Trent building




Inclusive Financial Technology Hub

Castle Meadow Campus
University of Nottingham